Chapter 25

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Dina POV

"Mix!!!" I was shock hearing Earth shout and he was instantly run towards the dance area which was crowded with too many people.

My eyes follow the figure and I see Mix who is now collapse on the sand.

When I arrived, Mix was already on P'Jan lap unconscious, while Leo and Neo was trying to calm Earth down from a fight with a foreigner who is ten times bigger than Earth himself. And I've figure it out why Mix collapsed.

His anxiety attack due to the 'big' guy. I thought Mix had overcome this fear, as his start to ease with Earth but I guess 'only' with Earth he was OK.

Mix had develop an anxiety with a big and muscular figure since he was ten years old. When there was an attempt of kidnapping him on a street. Since then, his anxiety will attack whenever he closed to one resemblance figurine. He will be shaking in fear, sweating and worst collapsed.

"Earth, stop." I try to reason with the angry man.

He seems so protective and aggressive to attack the big guy. Leo was still trying to hold Earth back from attacking the other guy and the attention of the crowd was now on us.

"Look, I didn't do anything. I swear." The big guy defending himself and he look decent enough for me to trust his words.

"I am sorry, my friend is sick and this guy over here might be misunderstanding the whole situation. Appreciate it if you could give my friends some space." I talk to the big guy and he seems to be understanding and begin to step back.

"Let me go Leo." Earth still trying to free his way from Leo. I turn to him and grab his shirt.

"Earth, calm down. Let's focus on Mix and stop making a scene. Remember who you are and what to prioritize." I try to bring some sense to the man. He seems to calm a bit down and focus back to Mix.

In a swift second, one angry men turn docile and worried.

"Mix... Mix... wake up please." Earth seems shattered when Mix remain unconscious.

"Earth, let's take him to the room first." P'Jan advise her friend. And he quickly take Mix in his arm like he was a doll and return to our hotel room.

I and Leo once again say sorry to the people around us for the inconvenient before follow them back to our room.

"I don't understand. He was that concern and possessive of Mix, yet he say he can't love him?" Leo chattering but I was annoyed already at this moment with Earth.

We rush to Mix room and he now laying on the bed. I walk in and saw medicines under Mix name. I turn to Earth with the medicine on my hands.

"Khun Earth is Mix sick?" I still calling him with respect, I don't feel the need to become closed to the man as he's still making my friend miserable.

"Yes, Mix was being with fever and headache since the last night of Safehouse 3." No wonder Mix seems a bit off from him normal self.

"And you let him join this trip? Is this why he is willingly to share the same room with you?" I am at the bridge of angst.

And I realize P'Jan and Neo seems a bit clueless. Leo come in with a bucket of water and towel as requested by P'Jan so she can towel bath Mix.

"I think his fever is back, his body temperature is so hot." P'Jan says as he starting to wipe Mix body and Neo looking so worried of his Phi on his side.

"P'Jan, Neo please help us looking out for Mix naa..." Leo said as he walking towards me and Earth and continue to grab my arm.

"And you young lady please calm down, let's talk in the next room." Leo talk to me as he pull me towards his room via the adjoining door. We closed one door which was on our side so they wont hear much of the conversation.

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