Chapter 10

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I was having a lunch with P'Pea as my evening class were cancelled.

"Don't you want to try acting Mix?" Out of nowhere P'Pea asking me the million dollar question. Even this is not the first time, but it's been long since he ask me this.

"I don't feel confident with it Phi."

"Aw, you don't want to at least give it a try?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you want to explore, I can enroll you to an acting class. Maybe you can try it and see how it goes..."

Truthfully, I've been intrigue, as I am back to spend time with Earth and seeing how he love to act. It makes me want to try it.

"OK Phi, I'll try it for the class and see how is it."


It's Friday night, I was supposed to meet Earth, but he suddenly need to go back home as his sister calls this afternoon. He said he will be back by today but it's already 11PM but no news so I assume we are cancel.

I am just staying at my room and just focusing on finishing my assignment so that I can have an empty weekend without thinking about school and rest my mind.

I close my laptop once I was done. I grab some snacks and ready to streams some music on my tablet when my phone rings. It's Earth.

"Hello... Earth..."

"Hello..." The voice is not Earth, I check my screen to double check, and it is Earth profile.

"Who is this?" I ask.

"Is this Mix?"

"Yes, I am." I need to be patient, even my anxiety is already on high rocket.

"This is Podd, I am Earth friend." OK, Podd... I know him, he is with GMMTV as well.

"Yes Khun Podd. Is everything OK? Why are you using Earth phone?"

"Just call me Phi, Mix. I heard a lot about you from Earth."

"Yes, Phi..." I wonder what he talk about me.

"Actually, I need you to come and take Earth home. He is drunk, and insist for me to call you. He don't want to go back unless you come and fetch him."

Drunk? Earth... drunk? I am going to chop his head off. I am not a drinker, but occasionally I do accompany Earth to hang out at the bar. But he never drinks to the state of drunk, he was just a light drinker.

"Mix... are you still there?" Phi Podd ask me on the other line, as I was silent.

"Yes Phi, can you send me the location? I'll be there as soon as I can."

"OK, I will send you afterward. Take care Nong." He said.

And soon after I receive the location, I thank god since it's not that far and I can just take the motorbike taxi. I just put on my jeans and do not bother to change my t-shirt.

10 minutes later, I call Earth mobile as I was arrive to the location. But before the call being answered I heard a man called out my name.

"Mix... right here." I found the voice and I recognized the man. It's Podd.

"Sawadee Phi." I wai as this is my first time meeting him.

"Wadee Mix... sorry to bother you. But this man is being a nuisance. He has been asking for you." 

I look at Earth who was slouching on the sofa. I don't know what to think of. He never been like this, and he was supposed to be come back from visiting his family today.

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