Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Despite the pandemic halted the filming schedule, I see it as a blessing in disguise. As it allows me more time to learn and improve myself.

My schedule were hectic since I am part of GMMTV boys. I met a few new friends like Win Metawin, Khaotung and others. But due to pandemic our bonding with other colleagues were not the same as other seniors, like in those time when Earth start with GMMTV.

Despite my classes in CU, I got lots of other classes provided and scheduled by GMMTV which are intrigue and I really enjoys it. I got act class, script reading, workshop, dance class, vocal (which I am still really... really... bad), and speech and so on.

And soon I will start working on filming the series, it will be in between my finals. I hope I can survive it.


I need to survive this. I need to proof to myself that I can manage both study and work, cause I love them so much to disappoint either one. I won't be able to forgive myself if either of my study or work result poorly.




Earth continue being an angel in taking care of me during filming. But don't be fools, he prank and tease me a lot as well and our bickering is more than usual. I guess spending almost most of our time together does that.

But I won't ever change it for the world.

He is my anchor in surviving my first acting experience and dealing with finals exam at the same time. I need to go back and forth between Bangkok and Chiang Mai, but glad now finals is done and we are on the last que of shooting in Chiang Mai.

And I admit, he is my comforts. I am clingy with him like how I was with my parents and sister and I am not ashamed for it. One thing I promise to myself is to always being myself, because any persona I create will just ends up tiring me out in future to keep those.

I am going to do what I want, the way I want it.But of course with a close guide from my team or I'll be like a loose cannon.

My fan base has increased since the trailer is out and I am a bit overwhelm, and still haven't recover as I'm trying to adjust myself.

I am shy when people greet me and calling my name and Earth love to tease me when it happen. Plus, he still mock me when I call him Phi.

Its feel weird to have many people admire me, but I love to see my fans as my family that's why I like to tease them and now they take turn in teasing me back.

Tomorrow is a tough day, we need to climb for a cliff scene, so we got a rest day today but I and Earth utilized it with practicing the script as the scene at the cliff were highly emotional and it quite stress me out. Earth is perfectionist and diligent in improving himself. We were back at our room straight after dinner.

I was reading the script for tomorrow when Earth suddenly sit facing me and next to me on the bed. Usually it was me who were crowding his bed...

"Mix, lets practice?" His facial look different than normal. I would say mischievous but there's still enough serious vibes on it.

"Sure, you want to practice the script?" he shakes his head while getting closer and taking away my script book to put it on the bed side.

"No? Than... practice what?" I begin to become clueless and his close proximity is making my heart beat faster. But the man remain to just stare at me, and after a while his eyes were slowly going down to every inch of my face and settled to look at my lips.

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