Chapter 20

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"How do you feel working with P'Mix? You've been partnership with few other colleagues right?" I ask P'Earth.

Among all GMMTV partnership, I adore these two the most. What you see on screen, that's exactly how they were off screen... (OK I might lie a bit, they were worst off screen...)

"It is tiring." Aww... OK I wasn't expecting that from Khun Phi Earth.

"I need to take care of him... he is so forgetful. It is tiring to manage my own self, but with him... I need to watch out for him as well. And him eating? Oh my... I have to be his dietician to control him. It give me a headache sometimes..." What?!

"Aww Phi, but you take care of him too well na. Why did you do it... if you don't like it?" I ask to P'Earth.

"Who said I didn't like it?" he said.

"Aww..." this Phi always makes me confuse. He just smirks and smile goofily on his own, the kind of smile he always has only when he is with P'Mix.

"Nobody, I mean NOBODY can force me do anything Neo." P'Earth continue emphasize his reaffirmation.

I no need further clarification, he loves P'Mix hence he do everything for P'Mix. He whines but he is 'happily' whining.

Gosh people in love stinks...

'Meow...' again, Edin was calling but he was looking at the stairs. The boy has been calling for a while now. Earth were not having it any longer and get up and walk out to see what Edin was calling, and I chose to follow.

When we arrive downstairs P'Earth were checking up to the outside of the house but nobody were there.

"P'Earth, do you order food? Who bring these here?" I ask when I saw a food packaging on the table.

"No I didn't." he walk to join me at the table.

"Mix..." he say when he grab the keys on the table.

"P'Mix came?" I ask, I am still confuse. P'Earth were still holding the key chain with the planet Earth figurine on it.

"Edin was calling for Mix at the stairs, Mix were at the stairs. And he must have listen... Shit shit shit... fuck... Mix..." I am so lost.

P'Earth face turn worried and scared in the same seconds and here I am still confuse over what's going on.

"Mix please pick up..." he's been trying to call P'Mix for a few times but no answers.

"Neo, I am going to Mix condo, help me watching the cats na..." he ask as he ran upstairs to change his clothes I presume.

And here I am still blur.

After a minute or so he came down.

"P'Earth can you tell me what's going on. You look so worried." I ask.

"Mix must have heard our conversation Neo. I am dead Neo. You better pray nothing is happen, and I and Mix were good. But I know Neo, he is upset. He hate this the most..." P'Earth explain while grabbing his things and moving towards his car.

"People talking behind his back and what make it worst... me. And the things he heard, I am dead Neo." P'Earth continue to explain and I am still blur.

But after I try to recall the potential conversation that P'Mix might heard than I realized how bad it can be if that's the only thing P'Mix heard.

"Oh my! I am sorry Phi." Me and my mouth, of all the question in the world, why do I have to ask that?

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