Chapter 15

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The world seems like begin to move on from escaping the pandemic era and start to try living with it. With most people getting vaccination, all life activity are slowly starting to resume back to its normal.

I am almost done with my fourth year. This year was tough, all the subjects were hard and it drain me out. Plus with the work piling up, I don't know how I survived.I am so tired, but still trying my best in both world.

Earth house is done and he will be moving to Bangna soon. Both of us were having lunch with P'Pea after the photo shoot.

"Mix, Earth is moving to Bangna. Don't you want to learn driving? It will make your study and work commute easier." P'Pea ask me after we settle ordering.

Indeed, since we start working it is always P'Pea and Earth who drive me around or I will just take the public transport. But sometimes it's inconvenient if I have to manage my own wardrobe and baggage in times when I have to go by myself.

"But I am scared Phi." I tell them. I don't know, the idea of driving give me an anxiety.

"It's OK P'Pea, I can still help fetch and send him off." Earth said and I love him more.

"Yes, but soon both of your schedule will be hectic and Mix with his classes and next internship. You will be tired Earth, you to Mix." P'Pea reasoning's to both of us.

I know, I need to start learning to being more independent and stop relying on Earth cares. He's been taking care of me since I enter GMMTV and we practically stuck together since then, plus with the pandemic.

"When the time comes, Mix will decides. Let him manage it, driving might be easy to some but he need to be really ready for it should he decides he wants to learn. Before that, I am happy to help you taking care of his commute P'Pea." Earth say firmly but still with respect to P'Pea.

I just look to the man in front of me, the way he care for me sometimes do scares me.

Scares me as in what happen if one day... I am out of his tender attentions?

Will I be able to survive?

"Fine, but I must say, you pamper him too much Earth." P'Pea says and I turn to him who were sitting next to me and glares and I am so ready to bite.

"I am more than happy to P'Pea." Earth says trying to tame my angst to P'Pea, and I just twirl my eyebrows mocking P'Pea.

"Urgh whatever... you two belong to each other." And I suddenly shy with P'Pea statements.

We were walking to his car after dinner and he keep pinching and squishing my body as we walk side by side. I swear this man has no boundaries, even in front of our fans his grabby hands will be all over my body.

It still haunt me whenever I saw our earlier fan meeting footage.

Yeah right.

Haunting my foot!

I pays merit to those fans who capture all the beautiful moments of me and Earth. No matter what or how the world sees it, my heart bloom with such memories.

"Ouch... Earth stop pinching my butt." I scream when he pinched it hard as we arrive to the car.

"Why? Your body is mine!" Earth said and I swear my heart stop beating. He keep stepping forward, forcing me to step back and stopping once my back reaching the car door.

"Since when?" I reply.I bark back to the man who was right now not living any space between out body.

Flirting Earth is back.

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