Chapter 8

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And I stay truth in focusing to my study.

Me, Dina and Leo were so focus as we all have our very own target.

Dina and me, we were aiming for CU, while Leo will go straight for US as he and his parent already make an arrangement and seems like; this is the agreement that he and his parent had on for Leo in order for him to be able to stay in Thailand with his grandparents while they were out of the country.

Leo should further his study in US. That's it.

While Dina, even she is aiming for CU same as me, but her plans do not end there. Her plan is to start at CU. Where she will take pre-course for a year and half in CU and spend the next two year and half in UK for the remaining courses.

Yes, my friends aim for the international peeps.

But mine, will still be the longest.  As I'm going to need six years to complete my veterinary courses including internship. Both of them will be experiencing with work phase sooner than me.

It's study week before our final exam and the three of us decide to take a break and when out for a movie and some café hunting.

We've decided to try the new café as the environment looks cosy and peaceful.

"Here's your Iced Americano Mix." Leo give me my drinks, but on the same tray, there are three slices of different cakes and smoothies with a tall whipped cream and a slushies in rainbow color. 

I don't hate sweets, they are just my least favorites for choice.

"Aren't you guys afraid of sugar rush or something?"

"Oh shut up Mix. I need all this sweetness to rejuvenate my brain cell." Dina defend her choice of stress reliever and I am backing of to be in between the girl from her dessert.

"Whatever makes the girl happy Mix!" Leo advice and I just nod. As Dina body start moving with delight as she take her fist bite on the cake that is so red in color.

"Want to try some Mix?" She offered.

"No thanks, I am happy with my caffeine." She rolled her eyes.

"You are so boring... how's you and Earth is?" and I almost choke with my drinks.

They know everything, my crush, love at first sight, broken heart and our status as friend.

"What do you mean?" Trying my best to remain nonchalant.

"Duh... you guys still talk?" She ask.

"He do text me once and a while, but I don't make it a habit to answer him right away, I don't want to be his chat buddy. I don't think I can concentrate if we do that. So I make sure I answers him a few days later."

"Wow, talking about restrain." Leo says.

"It's what need to be done."

I remember precisely every text that we have.

E: Today is my first day of shooting Mix. I am so nervous.

His first series is Waterboy, where he will be a swimmer and I don't like the idea of him in a swim trunk. But hey... it's the job, and I need to get used of the idea of sharing his good look with others. The more people that love him, the better.

I answered him two days after.

M: I know you'll do great, I am swamp with extra classes. I hope your shoots when well.

Few month later...

E: We just finish shooting and editing, soon the series will be air. I hope I did well.

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