Chapter 26

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I woke up feeling heavy... but today, not on my head like the past few days. But my chest and thigh were heavy with a heavy load.

I open my eyes... and there's a piece of Neo cuddled over my body.

"Neo..." I try to shake the boy up but he is too heavy for me to move.

"Neo... wake up!" I try to shout... hoping that the noise will wake him up. But he still remain froze, while P'Jan is now entering the room with both her hand on her waist seeing what I've been through.

"Oh my... this kid, we ask him to take care of you and now, he is the one who make you suffocated." P'Jan nags while also trying to wake Neo up.

"Neo! Wake up!" P'Jan pat Neo shoulder and shout to his ear.

"P'Mix... P'Mix... are you OK, do you need anything?" Neo finally wakes up, but keep mumbling half awake.

I try to wake up, to seat once Neo body were away from mine, and glad I am feeling better, my head feels much lighter compare to the past few days.

"Whatever Neo, we ask you to take care of your Phi and you almost make him suffocated with your heavy bones." P'Jan continue to nag at Neo who is slowly getting his conscious.

"Aw... I am sorry P'Mix but you look so soft and I don't know when I join you to sleep." Neo try to defend himself and I just smile.

"I am fine P'Jan." Neo tease P'Jan and he then resting his head on my lap.

"What time is it P'Jan?" I ask.

"It is now 9AM and we all taking turns going down for breakfast. We don't want to leave you alone when you wake up." P'Jan said.

"I am sorry for troubling you all, when you all came here for holiday but has to fuss over me." I turn my attention to Neo.

"Phi so sorry Neo, you must be looking forward to play and having fun before your Eclipse shooting schedule." I said as I stroking Neo hair.

"Aw Phi, no worries. I am happy just by spending time outside of work with my phi's rather than play. How are you Phi? We all so worried for you last night, and you know what... P'Earth almost going ape shit crazy... ready to attack the big guy." Neo explain, and I suddenly recalls last night event.

"He didn't do anything to you right Mix?" Earth voice suddenly join the conversation as he walk into the room.

"No, he didn't do anything, I am just shock because he was too close to me, that's all. You didn't do anything stupid right?" Earth know my anxiety but I know him well enough, how impulsive he can be.

"I and P'Leo manage to stop him in time P'Mix, or else P'Earth going to be all over the media and P'Tha will call him for an urgent meeting right away." Neo explain and I am glad nothing major happen.

"Enough, all is over. Now what's important is your well being. Dina and Leo will bring some porridge and you will take your medicines and resume your rest." P'Jan instruction were resolute and domineering.

"Aww, P'Jan but I want to be out of the room. It's been long since I am here in Krabi. Please P'Jan." I beg with a slightest hope she will allows me to go out.

"No." P'Jan affirms.

"Mix, come... let's eat." Dina walk in with the porridge with Leo.

Dina being the mama bear and checking my temperature all over my face with the back from her hand.

"How are you? Feeling better? What do you need? Towel bath? Ointment on your forehead?" Dina continue to fuss all over me, and seeing P'Jan, Leo, Earth and Neo just stands surround me with concern face makes me overwhelm yet a little bit annoyed.

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