Chapter 22

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LINE Chatroom

*The Cool Nerds Gang*

Mix: 'Crying Emoji'

Dina: Who I got to kill?

Leo: You prefer bomb or gun or maybe something old school... knife?

Gosh my two musketeers.

Mix: It's over, I've confessed and he didn't love me as I did...

Leo: Who?

Dina: It's not the time Leo!

Leo: OK I'm sorry. How are you Mix? Want me to come back home earlier?

Leo was in preparation to return for good. His parents had entrusted him to manage their business in the city. Yeah, he will be back and be the son of rich diplomatic, no more granny grandchild of Lampang boy...

Dina: Yes my baby, I can rearrange my flight to earlier schedule if you need me.

Yup, this girl is coming back as well, her internship just ends and will be starting his job here in two month times. I am delighted to have both of them in the same city again.

Mix: No, you guys just stick to your plan. I'll be OK.

Dina: I can cancel the trip Mix, we can just go together. You know what, we should plan a trip together. A reunion trip.

Leo: Cool, let's go to my family staycation house in Krabi.

Mix: Love the idea, but let's wait till you all are here before we got too excited OK.

Dina: Hey, don't be sad. We are here for you Mix. Let it go. I want... no... I need you to start focusing on yourself. And maybe after a while, open up your heart. My friend is a hottie. I saw there's a lot of ghost ship trending by your fans on the twitter Mix, and maybe you should consider one.

Leo: I can be your boyfriend.... 'Flirting emoji'

Dina: I don't think so Leo, you are too much of a player for my sweet Mix.

Leo: Hey, I'm not a player... I'm a lover...

Mix: Enough you two. I wish for the time flies and you two come back safely and being my distraction.

Dina: We will baby. Soon!

Leo: Soon!




I manage to squeeze the time and settled my move from condo to Bangna house. Both my parents and family relative, with P'Pea and Junior came help with the move.

"Where's Earth?" P'Pea ask.

"He is busy with Mamagogo and Find Yourself schedule Phi, I don't want to bother him." I tell P'Pea.

Like promised, we still work as normal. I try my best to conceal any hurts or discomfort to ensure we are not awkward, when in actual fact... every time I see him, my heart hurts and my tears were ready to fall.

Earth, despite seems to be agreeing to my request, he still play indifferent sometimes. Like assume I will join him for a ride home, having a lunch or meal together and relevant.

Since that day, we've never really talk over the phone, when normally we will talk or video call on daily basis. All I did were just conversations via Line group for work related. He did call from time to time, but I just ignore and in case it's work related he will messages me.

And since my work schedule tone down for internship, it's been almost 2 weeks since the last time I met him for our Safehouse 3 promotions trailer photo shoot.

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