Chapter 3

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The dinner goes well with nothing embarrassing situation happen by me.

We ate as normally, P'Pea continue to advise on entertainment work and mention a few upcoming casting that me and Earth will be going to attend together next week.

I and Earth still did not communicate with each other that much, just P'Pea monopolizing the conversation. After getting my senses back, I am back to normal and enjoying my hot pot dinner.

Back at my room, after refreshing I am laying on the bed.And start to think.

What was happening to me?

Why does Earth making my heart stop at one moment, and beating like crazy on the others?

I've never felt this way before. 

I grab my phone as I need my team. 

Despite it's already midnight I text them in our group chat room.

*The Cool Nerds Gang* (I know it's stupid but it's cute...)

Mix: Guys, help.

Dina: I am a girl, so I'm out!

Mix: Dina, I'm serious.

Leo: What's wrong? Are you drunk in some back alley of Bangkok? Do you need me to send a rescue mission?

I swear this two are going to be the death of me. How can he mention I'm drunk when we were still not at the legal of age to drink? Gosh...

Dina: What is it Mix? I've put my glasses on and I am ready to share my wisdom.

Leo: I've put my pants on, is that count?

I palm my face with this two dorks.

Mix: My heart stop beating at one moment and going fast on the next second. What's wrong with me?

Dina: Aw, what were you doing when that happen?

Mix: I was being introduce to someone.

Leo: Spill it all Mix, stop making us guessing.

Mix: P'Pea were introducing me to his other talent at dinner tonight, soon after that my heart and mind goes haywire since than...

Dina: Uuuu... someone's falling in love. Love at a first sight. You go bae...

Leo: Uuuu... that is love boo. Love is stink. You stink Mix. So who is this person that making my friend crazy?

Mix: His name is Earth and he is a freshman and I am not your bae or boo or whatever.

Dina: Wow. WOW. W.O.W!!!

Mix: What happen to your wisdom Deens?

Dina: It's gone at the first E for Earth.

I rolled my eyes with her comment.

Dina: I am going to need some picture Mix.

Leo: So... we concluded that our Mix's in love?

Mix: Am I? Is it that easy?

Dina: Yes, kiddo. Falling is easy, being in love is the hardest part.

Mix: What should I do?

Leo: What do you want to do?

Mix: Thanks' Leo!

Leo: I am serious Mix, we concluded that you were in love at the first sight. We are sixteen, that's normal. You were just a late bloomer. I've been in love with a few girls already by now.

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