Chapter 19

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All goes back to normal...

I don't have the time to dwell on my feelings too long.

We were on a back to back schedule and Earth were getting more roles, which mostly scheduled during my internship session.

I am happy for him.

Safehouse happen and I am glad that I've decided to do it. We were the first batch/season, so we kind of going blind. But I am really happy, as it makes me closer to P'Tay,  P'Gun, Luke and also the others.

Earth also discovering his love and hate relationship or as fans claim father and son with Neo.

And I and Earth closeness were also kind of being open and expose to fans and even to others house member as well, which we never intended to. As we were just being normal our own self as the production ask us too be.

I guess, due to our series shows during the pandemic, I could say our exposure and promotion might differ from normal plan. Hence, with the content format for Safehouse which is a reality live show, it allows our fans to see more of me and Earth in other perspectives.

Just like how I am glad Safehouse makes me closer to others, it also make me see more of Earth with others.

Like I said, when I start to work together with Earth it is the beginning of pandemic, so my break in session into GMMTV might be slightly different compare during Earth time.

Yes, Earth is taking care of me as he normally did while we were in the Safehouse.

But... just like how its pain me seeing him taking care of P'New during my teen years, it's gave me the same sting... realizing, that again...

He didn't cares for me because of ME.

But, because he is Earth. The most responsible and caring man.

I am not blaming Earth or the others for this pain, as this is my pain. I am too comfortable with the fact of having Earth on my back all this time, till I forgot... that he is not mine to keep...

I also manage to see a glimpse of Earth others side that I've never seen before.

Jealousy maybe?

He always stares differently whenever I am close with Luke, P'Tay, Pond or even Phuwin. I swear to God if looks could bite, I'll be eaten to the bone.

But the most triggered person for him is Luke. Because he did actually say it to me while we were late night swimming on our last night at Safehouse.

I've been begging for him to accompany me for a late night swimming since Day 1! But he finally succumb to my wish on our last night.

"You are too close with Luke." He says while we were resting at the pool side after swimming for a few round. He was standing beside me in the water.

"Aw, what's wrong, Luke is nice." Well Luke is nice.

At first, we all kind a bit struggle to bond, but Luke is cool, even when he still learning to communicate in Thai's, as we love to play word games. And truthfully, he cares like Earth.

But Earth were not having it, and moving from my side to my front and blocking me with his hands.

"So what if he is nice... Do you want him?" OK now he is being ridiculous. I sigh and put my hands around his neck.

"Earth, what is wrong. You don't like Luke?" I ask. The man is pouting at this moment, instead of angst a moment ago.

"No, I just don't like you being close to him." He says. The hands that were blocking me just now, were now moving to hold me at my waist.

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