Chapter 30

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"What are you afraid of Earth?" he remain his head down without looking at me.

"Are you afraid for your career? Society?"

Every seconds of him being silent is like a ticking bomb in my chest.

"Are you testing my patience or something?" I ask the man whose head were still looking down avoiding me.

But once he pull his face up, I see the doubt and what... is it fear in his eyes?
Making me start to worry for his pending words.

Hardly, I can see he swallowed his saliva and then, he take a deep breath and wipe his sullen face.

After straighten his posture on the sofa, he gesture for me to back sit next to him. I just follow, as all this silence were killing me softly.

"You should know me well enough that I don't care much about others Mix." He says.

"Because I know you... I don't understand... Why?" I ask hoping he will start explaining soon.

"You know my mother died at young age right?" OK... Why is he mentioning his late mother, now my scale of fear rise up beyond taking a Viking rides.

I just nod.

"I might not be the one who always by her side during her sickness. But I see well enough how the disease taking one by one of her ability and sanity. Not just she, slowly my family feels the gruesome of her sickness and we all hate our self for not being able to do more for her." His face were back to facing the floor and occasionally he will sigh as he wipe and pull his hair as if its helps pulling away all the sad memories that he had to recall.

"She died from a Huntington's Disease." My mind when blank.

I've heard of that but I can't recall the severity of the disease.

Earth seems to understand my oblivious.

"It's a heredity disease Mix." He turn to face me and I keep waiting for him to continue.

"Earth, I need more explanation. Please don't make me Google such disease now." I beg as he continue to pause for long.

He now turn his body to face me and grab to hold my hands to rest on his thigh.

"It's a heredity disease that stops part of brain to work properly overtime. The symptoms may include minor involuntary movements, subtle loss of coordination, difficulty thinking through complex problems, and perhaps some depression, irritability, or dis inhibition. It's an illness that makes you suffer over time before it became fatal." His eyes were now on me.

"I see how my mom slowly turn to lose her body control, depressing and losing her ability to her own body." He hold my hand tight.

"And it is possible for me to get it Mix." My hands were now shivers with this knowledge. I return his hold until both our hands turn white.

"I, my sister also with my aunts had been doing the check up every six month. Even that's no guarantee we can prolong if any of us were diagnosed early." He continues.

"How I can be selfish enough to be your lover when my future is a pending nightmare Mix. I love you too much to let you to be a part of it." His word dumbfounded me.

Yes, it's a novel of him to not being selfish, but he also stupid.

I pull my hands away from his touch and I am pissed with how little he thinks of me.

I put a distance between both us and pinch my forehead choosing the best words to tell him how stupid he was.

"Aren't you learn nothing from all the character that you play all this while Earth?"

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