Chapter 21

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The photo shoot is scheduled at 11AM, and I arrive a bit earlier, but since all the team member was there so I when straight to proceed with the make-up first.

Earth arrived when P'Tum were almost finish with my make-up. His greeting though... all I can say is, he's making P'Tum erasing all his sweet impression of Earth.

"Mix... Mix... Mix..." I can hear him calling out my name just as he enters the studio.

"Mix... where have you been? Why you didn't answer my calls?" he continue to pester with anger as he walk into our dressing room.

P'Tum were kind a shock and scared with how Earth is right now, and I don't like it.

"P'Tum, would you mind leave me and P'Earth alone for a moment...I guess there's a green giant wake up at wrong side of the bed this morning..." well I kind a whispering the last part to P'Tum.

"Alright Nong Mix, you are done with make-up by the way, we will resume with Earth afterwards." He says while looking at Earth and start to walk out of the room living me and Earth alone.

"Mix... where have you been?" Earth ask me again impatiently.

I stand up and after few days of not facing the man, my heart shakes but damn... his words on last Sunday suddenly came back into my mind. I try to erase them and get back to the present.

"It doesn't matter, I am here and you are here for work Earth. So let's just get this done." I says.

"Mix, you just left. You doesn't even let me explain." Earth continue to talk as him walking closer towards me, and without I realised my body pull me away from his forward with a step back.

Earth face seems shock with my action, well I am not surprised, because I had always welcome his presence near me.

"Let it go Earth, let's just do the work." Again I ask him for us, to just resume with our work.

"How can I do that when you clearly upset with me Mix?" His face sadden as he said it.

"Fine, we will talk. But can we please get this done smoothly Earth." I walk towards him and hold his hand. He is a stubborn man, I am well aware that he won't barge until he gets what he wants.

I know how Earth need to be at ease for work, he is an emotional guy, a bit of wary may affect his concentration. And I don't want to be the cause of his wary.

He pull my body for hug.

"I miss you Mix." He murmur close to my ear.

After a while, I slowly push him away.

"Can I call P'Tum for your make-up now?" I ask him and he just look to my face. His hand were still grabbing my arm in a close distance.

"You are still upset with me right... you just want me to be able to work." He said.

"I am fine, and I promise you... we are fine. We will talk after this Earth. I am sorry for not talking to you this few days. But I am back and we will discuss this later." Again I try to assure the stubborn man in front of me.

"Now, can we get back to work?" I ask him again.

"Yes, I am sorry too Mix, I've just been worried sick. Lets get this done." Earth seems to be calmer now.

"Great, and don't forget to say sorry to P'Tum, you were rude just now Earth. I will call him and go on to change my clothes." He just nod, and as I was leaving for the door he grab my face and sniff my cheeks.

"I've just been missing you, need this for a motivation." And again, he sniff kissing my other cheeks.

"Enough..." I lightly pushing him away and giving him a smile to assure him we are fine, even me, my own self not sure if I was fine.

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