Chapter 31

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Earth were calling for me, but I feel numb and lost.

"I'm sorry." I mum the words and I turn my body, ready to take my first step away from the big door and I am ready to leave.

"Mix! Where are you going?" Earth ask while he try catching up on me.

"I'm sorry P'Earth, I should have called. I'm sorry, I'll go back now. Sorry for disturbing you." I answer blindly as my vision seems blur.

I put too much expectation and now my heart were sunk to the bottom.

Right before I reach the gate Earth pull my arm and make me turn facing him. He is standing right in front of me, next to his car with only a towel over his body from waist.

"Mix, you just arrive, why do you want to leave?" He ask, but I just glance at the lady who were standing by the window, looking at the both of us right now.

I pull my arm away.

"You seems busy, so let me just leave you two alone." I turn and as I try to resume my walk.

"No!" Earth warn. I can sense his agitated angst.

He then haul my body over his shoulder and walk inside the house.

"Earth! Put me down."

"No, I will not let you walk away as you wish any longer Mix!" He shouts as he smack my butt.


As he walk pass the lady.

"Make sure you lock the door and all the cats were inside." And the young lady just nod with an open mouth seeing me been pick up along the house like a toy.

He resume climbing the stairs and when straight into his bedroom and kick his door to shut it.

He literally throw me on his bed, and upon regain my body I am ready to walk away. But he was faster, as he straddle my waist with his thigh.

"Stay. Mix!" He shouts. I turn my face away from him. I didn't appreciate he manhandling me like this.

"Please... Mix... don't leave me anymore. I've been missing you and waiting for long." He beg as he slowly bury his face on my neck.

I try to push his body away.

"Let me go Earth, don't you have a guest?" Still failing to push him away.

He raised his face with kind a blur facial.

"Who? Emma?"
Huh so that young lady name is Emma?

I just glare. roll my eyes and turn away.

"Aren't she cute?" I turn my face back to him annoyed, I am pretty sure my eyebrows were knitted together.

"Then, let me go and entertain your Emma!" I resume my struggle, try to push his body away, but the grip he had on me grew tighter.

"I hate you! Let me go Earth!" I don't know why, but I feel tired emotionally and physically and the man on top of me seems to be having fun with my struggles.

My tears is back and I stop all my movement and just turn my face away from him. Gosh why my tears were so easy to stream with this guy.

"Aww... Mick. I am sorry, don't cry please." He palm my face and makes me look into his face.

"Don't you remember her?" He ask as he wipe my tears.

I just glare as my answers.

"She is Emma, my sister daughter. You've met her when you visit my hometown few years back?" He continue to explain as I try to gather and analyze the information.

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