Chapter 5

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Today, Earth is treating me for a hot pot, as he's just finalized and officially sign his contract with GMMTV, so he is taking me out to celebrate.

I am so happy.


One, its hot pot. Duh...

Two, it's another day out with Earth.

I'll never be bored when spending time with Earth, he is fun, caring and attentive. Yes, he can be hot headed sometime, but hey, I'm ignorant so I'll just ignore him when he did.

"What are we having today?" I am happily asking him as we walk into the mall. The idea of food really excites me. I know he promise me for a hot pot but Earth is a picky eater so I just ask and passing the ball to let him decides.

"What would you like to eat?" He ask and I act try to think.

"Humm..." I continue to think...

"Wow..." He exclaim with a shock on his face and a hand on his chest.


"Since the day that I know you, this is my first time seeing you being clueless on what to eat?" I glare with my utmost fearing eyes to the man in front of me.

"Seriously Mix, that look didn't intimidate me at all." He said as he pinch my cheeks and rub my head. I try to pull myself away from his hand.

"You are annoying. It's your treat... so why don't you decide."

"Humm...shall we have pizza?" My eyes start to water with happiness at the first P for pizza. And I nod with a smile, maybe a bit too eager.

"I guess you love the idea of pizza. Let's go." He grab me to his side and rest his arm on my shoulder.

He always does that when we walk together, and every time he did, my body shivers as I'm having his body closes to mine.

It's weekdays so there's not much of a crowd, we straight when inside the restaurant and find an empty table. We order pizza and few appetizers, I can't wait to indulge all of it.

"So Earth, now that you are with GMMTV, what's next?" I am interested to know for his upcoming programs and projects. Mine will be ends in a week, as school will be opening in the next two weeks.

I promise my mom that I'll be home before schools start. So, I'll be home for at least a week before school starts and spend time with my family.

"I've been assign under P'Boyd, he will manage my schedule from now own, for all projects that comes under GMMTV." Earth says.

"So you won't be under P'Pea any longer?"

"I still am, just mainly all my schedule will be manage by GMMTV. P'Pea will need to discuss with P'Boyd and manage together if I have any direct project that come from P'Pea." I nod at his explanation.

"How was your study?" I ask as I am curious on how he will manage work and studying.

"GMMTV seems good in managing artist that were still on their studies, they will accommodate and manage projects according to the talent educational timeline and all. If it's too much for me, I'll just tell them. We got a training camp with other talent in few days. It's like a freshman welcoming program with ice breaking, team building, training, workshop and all. Sounds fun." He seems genuinely happy and looking forward for it and I am glad.

"Don't work too hard, take care of yourself." And he just grin.

"Aren't you too young to tell me that?" I rolls my eyes.

"Whatever." And he laugh, my heart still vibrates every time I see his smiles and giggled.

The pizza's arrive and my world is complete.

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