Chapter 6

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This is my last night in Bangkok before I go back to Lampang and return for schools. 

I'll be busy, since it's my last year in school, and I'm going to need to focus on my studies if I wish to enter CU in Veterinary major.

So next year... is going to be a big deal. 

I might not be taking much or even none job from P'Pea. I've told him and he understand. He is also wishing me well as he is supportive with my decision to only focus on my studies.

I've told Earth I want to have a meal with him tonight, and he says OK. But he might be late as he got a meeting at GMMTV after class. So I'm just going to wait for him at our usual noodles stall near P'Pea condo.

I've waited for almost an hour before I decides to call Earth to check where he is. I don't want to rushed him, so I just patiently waiting, I understand how hectic his schedule is.But, this is way too late without any news from him.

I was dialing and after few ringing, I heard his ringtone next to me. And there he was standing right beside the table with a wide grin.

"I am here, sorry... the meeting runs longer than I expected." I just glare and pout, even I understand, I need to let him know that I am upset. But at least he made it, that's all that matter.

But Earth didn't straight away take his seat, he was looking at someone behind me.

"New, here..." he calls to the person behind me and I turn to look. The man was walking toward us, he's fair and handsome. His build just like Earth, the only different is his height more or less like me.

"Mix this is New, my fellow GMMTV talent." Earth introduce him and I wai to the man. They were both taking the seats next to each other in front of me.

Earth always opt to sit in front of me, even when P'Pea were together. But now, when he chose to be in front of me and sit beside New... I don't know why, but my heart ache. 

I just rub it off, hate myself for being petty.

"Sawadee P'New" I says, politely greeting the man. Earth is older than me by 4 years, so it's safe to assume that New is at the same age as him?

"Aw... you just met him and you automatic call him Phi, why you did not do that with me?" The man whine.

I turn my gaze to the man in front of me while my foot were kicking his leg under the table.

"Call me Earth na..." I mimicked the way he introduce himself on the first time we met and arch my brows.

"Aw Mix... It's hurt..." I mock him and rolls my eyes as he continue to rubs his leg. Teasing me in front of this new guy, is not cool.

"Sawadee Nong Mix... Ai Earth I am older than you, so suck it up." New counter Earth whine with fact.

"Just a year New. One year... Why, would you like for me to call you Phi?" He tease New and push his body to New right side with his shoulder and smirking face with his eyebrows twirl upside down.

"Euww... no. New just fine. It's much better being your partner as a friend without any seniority concern. Plus we both at the same level, and older by only a year is nothing..."

I just look at the both of them, partner?

What does that mean?

I've never been out with Earth beside the two of us or together with P'Pea, so this new additional person were quite intimidating and I don't like the insecurity it makes me feels.

Plus, being with the two most handsome guys at this stall right now... its a nerve wrecking. I feels like I am the little brother who follow his big brother hangout, though with our looks I will be more like New little brother than Earth.

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