Chapter 9

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**Mix at Twenty One**

Freshman year was tough and fun.

Me and Earth, we still talk occasionally. He graduated and focusing on his work, while still under GMMTV. We got EarthNew, EarthWhite, and EarthPodd so far. (Eye rolls moment...)

I ask him not to visit me on freshman year but we still talk and chat.He seems stress with his career so far, and I still don't know much in regards of show business. I start to really into it this year since P'Pea convince me to try.

I hate it, when I heard Earth sad voice when we both were on a phone call, so I try my best to cheer him up with my silliness.

This year, I start to meet Earth as Dina already left for UK, so I need and outlet from my courses friends. I also believe that I am strong enough to meet Earth and to just being his friends.

I think so...

From time to time, Earth will fetch me for dinner and we will hang out. We were at dinner one day when Earth says...

"Should I quit acting Mix?" He nonchalantly ask me like this does not affect his life. 

I do not answer him quickly, instead I just look at him. Earth is a man with feelings while me, I am a man with logic.

"What makes you think like that Earth? Is there's anything happen?" I ask. I need him to voice out his reasons.

"No, it's just... after all this years, I feels stagnant. Like I am at the same spot... not moving forward nor backwards. Maybe I should seriously reconsider my career from now on wards." His voice sounds resolute, I guess he did seriously consider this.

"Successful and glory apart, do you love what you are doing Earth? Acts? Modelling... or being celebrity?" I ask.

I don't know what it feels like to act, I never did. P'Pea used to offer me to try casting, but I am still afraid to challenge myself on it.

"I love it, acting the most. It was a challenge at the beginning, but as I grow and learn. I like being in a character, I wish I can do more." I can see the sparkle in his eyes and he seem sincere.

"Then, if you are not in a hurry. Give it some time Earth. Maybe they're other opportunity coming for you?" I grab his hand hoping to channel him my trust than I know he will get his success soon.

That night, for the first time, Earth ask me to follow him back to his condo. Its weekend and all my assignment were done, so why not?

His condo is neat and tidy like the way he is. You see, after all this year, I thought once we meet and mingle again... you would thought he's change but nope, he is the same Earth I knew the first time we met.

Naggers and clean freak.

"Go and take a shower Mix." He passed me his clothes to change and I just when straight to the bathroom. His clothes fit nicely...

We play games until midnight and I can't control my eyes any longer.

"Earth I am tired, I want to sleep." And I am ready to slouch on his sofa.

"Aw... don't sleep here. Go to the bedroom Mix..." 


As I recall he only got one bedroom while the other were more like his walk in closet.

"Which room Earth, you only have one bed?" I said while adjusting my body.

"Yes, the same bed. It's big enough for the both of us."

Oh crap

I am still managing myself for being friends with Earth. I don't think I am strong enough for us to be on the same bed?!

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