Chapter 2

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The next day I called P'Pea to tell him I am coming to Bangkok as he suggested, so that he can start finding and slot me in for any possible gigs and casting.

"Hello P'Pea."

"Nong Mix... How are you?"

"I am great P'Pea, I just call you to tell you that my parents had gave me the permission to be in Bangkok during the school break."

"Aw... that's great. Phi will make a schedule for you na. So, do you want me to come to Lampang and pick you up?"

"No, it's OK Phi, I can travel to Bangkok by myself."

"OK, which ever you comfortable. Just contact me when you've fix your travel plan na Nong."

"OK, Phi. Thank you na."


The following week, right after school holiday start, my parent were dropping me at the bus station early in the morning. They insist for me to take the flight as it was way more convenient and comfortable, but I refused. I rather we safe the money. 

Plus I like the bus ride, it let me enjoying the view and be in peace with my mind.

P'Pea fetch me at the bus station, he awaits for me patiently, as he don't want me to arrive first and be waiting all alone by myself.

I have to admit, he worries too much sometimes. It's not like this is my first time in the city. But, this character of him that makes me and my parents comfortable for me to be under his care.

He is always transparent with everything, either work or personal. P'Pea is going to make sure I understand every job accordingly and double check if I am comfortable with everything.

Upon arrive, P'Pea takes me for dinner first before going to the condo. He has one accommodation ready in standby for when any of his talent came for work. So that, rather than spending on hotel or dorms and others, we all can just used this accommodation. The location is strategic also, as it was convenient with public transport, food and others relevant facilities.

I used to stay here, but this time it's going to be a month's long stay.

"Make yourself at home na Mix." P'Pea said after I just put down my bag.

"Yes, Phi I will. Don't worry na."

"OK, just have a rest for today Mix. Tomorrow Phi going to fetch you at noon, I have scheduled some casting job for you, we also have few extra gigs along the week. I will tell you further tomorrow. You're familiar with the area right, will you be able to manage to get your own food or anything?"

"Yes Phi. I told you don't worry. I've grown up. I can take care of myself."

"Yes, yes. You have grown up... but to me you are still a little boy!" he pinch my cheek.

"Aw... Phi. I am sixteen and next year turning seventeen, and next I'll be a university freshman."

"Yeah, yeah. But, there are still too many next Mix!"

We both laugh out loud. I love teasing and bickering with P'Pea.


The next few days, I was scheduled for few ads casting, some modelling job and portfolio photo shoot. P'Pea said it's time for me to have a proper portfolio to make my casting process easier and efficient with better potential.

I don't like to glam up; like overly diet with an apple a day, and exercise a few days before photo shoot to tone up your muscles and etc., so I am ready on the go.

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