Chapter 7

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Every step I take feels heavy. Walking back to the room never felt this far before.

And I made a mistake... After a few steps, I turn and look back.

I never should have done that.

Looking back to the table that I just left. Earth were happily talking with New, resuming whatever story they were talking, like I was just a nobody who share their tables to dine and walkaway.

My heart, its hurts.

Unconsciously my hand were soothing my chest. Let's just go back home Mix. And I quicken my pace to the room.

Right after I reach back to the room, I packed my bag and clean the house. Such as throwing out remaining rubbish, and make sure the fridge is empty from any perishable food. I've also clean and kept all the kitchenware. I've moped the floor this morning and other hard chores, so I just finalized some area.

Once done, 30 minutes later I grab my bag and when straight to the bus station. My initial plan was to take the first bus next morning, but now... I just want to go back as soon as possible and hug my mom. So I rush myself to catch the last bus.

I call my parents, updates them with my latest itinerary. They will fetch me at the bus station next morning.

I don't feel like to talk with P'Pea, but I still need to let him know. As he were supposed to send me off to the bus station tomorrow morning. So I just left him a message, so that he won't be suspect anything when he heard my voice. 

He is really good with my tone and body language, I can't lie to the man.

Mix -> P'Pea Text Messages:

P'Pea I am taking the last bus tonight to Lampang. I'm just bored and misses mom, so I've decided to change the plan. I am sorry if I didn't clean up the room much but I've tried my best.

Thank you Phi for taking care of me during my stay. I love you Phi, and my phone now is in low battery so I'm going to switch off my phone after this and sleep as the bus already on the way.

Talk to you later Phi's. ;)

And I switched my phone off. It's 11:50PM and yet I am far from sleep.

It's hurt my heart that I leave without a proper talk with Earth but at least I said my goodbye at dinner just now.

Just, I wish I could've ask...

Can we still talk?

Will you remember me?

Are we friends?

The idea of Earth being my boyfriend or more than friend were long gone... when I realized, I was just a kid he looks out for, in favor of P'Pea.

But, I still wish we can be friends, but my feelings were too raw at this moment.

I am willing to have him in my life as a friend rather than a stranger after all the time that we've spend together.

I'm going to need some times to overcome my affection as a lover for Earth. I am glad now that I have to focus on school, it is such a great excuse for once. And when I'm ready... I'll be back as his friend.

I hope I'll still be able to that.




The next morning, my mom were already waiting for me at the bus station and I ran for her.

"Mom... I miss you." I says as I bury myself in my mom comfort and safe arms.

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