Chapter 14

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I went straight to our condo, but I am just here to pack few of my clothes and books.

I will be staying at the dorm for few days. I always rent the university dorm every semester, so that on days that I am too tired to have a journey back and forth, I can just rest at my dorm room.

I am not running away, but I know myself. My emotions were to raw to be facing Earth right now. I know we are going to regret ourselves if we do any sort of talking right now.

I've check and aware that we don't have any schedule for the whole week.

I hope time will ease everything. I know in the end I need to suck it up and move on. But I can't let Earth see me like this, he might wondering or annoyed why I am so upset.

It hurt deeps because I am the one who love him, he might think this is nothing just like our normal day bickering, because he only care for me as his little brother or work partner.

So I am the one who shall heal my own self.

I share everything with Earth. He practically know everything about me.

Hungry? I ask Earth to take me for a meal.

Stress? I ask Earth to take me to the beach.

Happy? I'll make sure I share it with Earth.

Sad? I ask Earth to hug me.

But when Earth is the cause for the emotion, I'll end up by my own self to deal and heal accordingly. I am too afraid to show my raw emotion to Earth.

I won't dare to change the dynamic of our relationship, might it personal nor work. He is too precious for me to loose.




I've been at my campus for a few days, I don't even go out. Just a straight journey between class, cafeteria and dorm. My phone has been on silent since that night, and I just look at them occasionally. Of course Earth being Earth, there were almost hundreds of miscalled and messages from that man.

P'Pea and P'Boyd checking on me, I just said I am fine and only at campus for classes.

My wrist feel sores for the next day but it's getting better. Just there are still blueish colored on it.

I am done with all my classes for the week, so I am walking to the café for lunch when I saw his car and the man himself waiting at the front of my faculty.

Now I am regretting sharing my schedule with him.

I hope Earth not seeing me, but I need to pass him to get out. I try to be indifferent with my classmate and walk like I didn't see him.

"Mix..." I pretend not to hear.

"Mix Sahaphap Wongratch..." he practically screaming my full name.

I stop, because I know he will used any means to make sure I notice him.

I sigh. It's time Mix.

I turn to look at him and there he is... tall, dark and handsome, standing like a god statue next to his car. I walk to the man with the intention to dismiss him as soon as possible.

"Yes, why are you here?" I ask.

"Mix, where have you been?"

"I am here. So what do you need? I don't think we have schedule right?" I am making this about work right away.

"Mix..." He almost beg as he voice out my name.

I pinch my nose, I don't know why hearing him call my name always makes me soft. But I also recall his yelling last Friday.

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