Chapter 18

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I was twitting with my fans while laying on Earth bed.

I usually sleep on the guest room.

Earth is a light sleeper and also an insomniac. I wish I can help him sleep better all the time, but seems like I am not being able to. Thank god he always sleep well during shooting, despite with the fact that we usually will be living in the same room, maybe the tiredness helps.

Hence, that's the reason why I prefer to leave him alone, even with him constantly asking me to sleep with him together in his room rather than the guest room.

I don't know why, he seems doesn't like the idea of me being the guest, but I mostly reject by saying I don't like his bed because they were soft, when truthfully... I don't mind if the bed were soft or hard, as long as I am laying down I'll be able to snooze of easily.

Plus, I tend to be clingy even in bed, I don't know... it makes me feels safe to hold on a warmth body.

I can see Earth climb the stairs from the window. I don't know and haven't heard of chemistry practice but I'm ready.

"Aw where's Edin and Somphon?" I ask when I didn't see the two fur babies coming up together with him.

"They don't want to come, both of them were busying biting each other in the basket, totally ignore me when I called. So I just let them be. They will call us if they want to come into the room." He tell me while he walk to the bathroom and doing his before bed routine... facial, brushing his teeth, caring for his lips... and I always mesmerize just watching him doing it.

Knock it out Mix...

"So what is chemistry practice Earth, why I only hear about this now?" I ask Earth to bring my senses on track.

Despite I love staying over at Earth as in having him in front of my eyes 24/7, this situation ain't healthy for my heart. It constant make my heart goes haywire beating like crazy for random moment.

Like when Earth playing with Soms, or when he's pouting for me to fried him some red sausages or worst when he decides it is cool to shower me with his wet hair when he just straight out of shower and hugging me.. I swear I almost had a heart attack.

"I told you, because we were already friends hence we don't need it. Ask Win, he might had it since he and Bright were practically stranger when they start working together." He answers while settling down and sitting next to me on the bed.

"Fine, we don't have to bother Win for a mere verification, and why do you think we need this practice?" I ask while he adjusting our sit so that we both facing each other. Our knees were touching and our body were align facing each other close enough to smell his fresh facial.

He pull my hands so that they were resting palm over palm with his and rested on our thigh like a partner yoga position.

"You've read Cupid's Last Wish and Moonlight Chicken script, you know what we got to do..." he tell me with his mischievous face. And I gulp my own saliva as I recall what he's talking about.

"Oh..." Was all I manage to voice out?

"Yup. Oh!" and his evil grin smirk out mocking me. I snap his thigh out of embarrassment.

"Stop... fine. What's next?" I am resume to the position he put me before.

"Next... is we both going to look at each other eyes for a solid 5 minutes."

"5 minutes? Earth, we're been looking at each other for almost 6 – 7 years at this time, is it really necessary?" I complaint but Earth was not having it and begin to pout.

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