Chapter 23

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It's Wednesday of the week for Safehouse 3 streaming, and currently I am watching the show. I just end the video call with Neo a minute ago when suddenly someone ring my house bell. I open a curtain and saw a car, but I don't recognized it.

I wear a mask and ready to go out but still didn't open the gate until I am sure who it was?


I was shocked with the roar and it was none other than my two besties Dina and Leo. I know they were coming back this month, but they didn't inform me the exact dates.

"How? When? You two...!!!" I am speechless as I am grabbing both of them in a hug.

"Ouh... our Mixiw had lost his tongue." Dina sigh with fake sympathies. Gosh my sassy girl.

"Shut up!" I respond.

"Ladies, why don't we continue this inside." Leo advice.

"SHUT UP LEO!!!" me and Dina turn to look at him and almost shouting in synchronized... The man surrender by raising both his hands up.

We all walk inside and settle down, they bring some food and wine. Sometime I forgot that we are all already an adult and it is legal to drinks.

"How did you get my address?" I ask, because I am so sure I didn't update them my current residence.

"We ask your mom, and made her pinky swear to not let you know we are back." Dina explain innocently.

"You stinky skanks..." I sigh in believe.

And at that moment the scene of Earth playing with Neo come out on the TV during the Safehouse 3.

"So... how have you been?" Leo ask.

"Same old routine, I bit my ass off for internship and struggling back and forth with my schedule." I whine to both of them.

Dina will start working next month while Leo already start visiting his office, but since he's the boss... his schedule were flexible like mine, only Dina will be stuck with 9-5 working hour.

"Mix... you haven't got your driving license yet right? Let get it together naa... please..." Dina beg me.

I've been thinking for it but haven't really sign up yet, since moving to this house my transportation expenses were rising up and it's too tiring for me to manage with relying to public transport.

"Sure, let get it together. In the meantime, we going to have Leo as our driver..." I said.

"What? I am expensive you know!" Me and Dina rolled our eyes for the man.

"Well we need to ensure your Audi is well used Leo..." I said.

"Well anything for you baby!" Leo charm his way... I and Dina can't stand it, so we throwing all the pillow towards him.

The TV were still running with the Safehouse 3 live streaming, and of course at that moment... again, there was Earth and Neo bickering with each other. I saw lots of fans clip where Earth keep asking a cheek kissed from Neo and they all tags it with a father and son moment.

"Hey, where have you been?" Dina hold my hands and follow where my eyes were focusing. And sooner after Leo grab hold of my shoulder and this two than hugging me for their support.

As in they knew what was going on inside my mind and heart.

"It hurts..." I sigh.
"It hurts when your favorite person, finds a new favorite person." And my tears drop.

Little did I know there's a stream of tears from my body were waiting to come out all this while... I guess having the people who knows you, triggered all the things you keep inside.

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