Pop Star

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I'm your boyfriend's favorite DJ pay me just to party.

I make my way to the stairs, greeted by loud cheers and applause from everyone gathered. Today marks the big day – I'm officially 18 years old. My mom went all out, renting a massive yacht and inviting nearly the entire city. I can't complain, though; a smile naturally adorns my face as I approach my proud mom, who welcomes me with a warm hug.

"My baby is all grown up now, look at you!" she squeals, enveloping me in a tight hug. The embrace is so intense that I feel like I'm losing any room I had to breathe.

"Mom, you're going to make my tities pop out." I complain fixing my dress as soon as she let go. I'm wearing a black Chanel dress that stops at my thighs and the top half crosses covering only my breast. It's also skin tight showing off my figure fully.

"Couldn't you have worn something that wouldn't expose you from just sneezing?" She asks me, her tone a mix of concern and disapproval, as I pull my dress down.

"What? No, I look so good, it's not even that revealing," I tell her confidently, causing her to give me a look that makes me burst into laughter.

"Finneas!" I hear my name being called and turn to see Maddie and Dani coming towards me.

"Happy birthday bitch!" Maddie yells pulling me into a hug too.

"I went to the mall and bought you a ton of stuff! And I got you some adorable customized phone cases, oh my god!" Maddie excitedly shares the news with me.

"Damn, can I at least open them to be surprised first?" I laugh out. My mom comes over to greet the girls, giving them both a curious look.

"Hello, Daniella, Madina," she says, addressing the girls by their full names. They both greet her, and a brief silence follows.

"Well, I'm going to put your gifts with the others," she says, taking the presents from them before walking away. Maddie waits a few moments for her to walk away before speaking.

"I don't think your mom likes me." She says.

"Yea im pretty sure she doesn't." I bust out laughing hearing Dani gasp.

"Bitch, you're more of a bad influence than I am!" Maddie yells at me. I quickly grab her arm to hush her.

"Speaking of bad influences, this weekend I want to have another party with no parents," I whisper to her.

"See what I mean!"

"Shhhh! Seriously, it's a school day, we can't go all out like I want us to! And there are too many adults around! Like, adults, adults," I tell her in a hushed tone.

"Okay, I'll fill you in with more details once I have them," I assure her. "Theres a reason I want this party though."

"Because it's your birthday duh." She says like it's the most obvious thing.

"Well yea, and also I want Gio to take my virginity."

"Wait you're a virgin?!" She laughs out.
"Shut up I have been waiting for the right moment and it's finally here."

"So let me get this straight, y'all gone be fucking... while the party going on?"

"No Bitch! After the party when everyone leaves." After saying that I walking towards the drinks with the huge ice sculpture shape like Hello Kitty.

"I still can't believe you're a virgin." Maddie says following behind me.

"Why? Do I give off hoe vibes?" I ask her before grabbing a cup of sprite.

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