Romantic Lover

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I look in the mirror, staring at my outfit for the millionth time. I'm wearing a rose gold spaghetti strap short dress paired with sparkling gold heels. My hair is loosely curled in a high ponytail, with two thick strands parted down both sides of my face. I've sprayed my signature perfume countless times, wanting to be as alluring as possible.

Since Wednesday, I've been personally preparing myself. I've gone through waxing, a deep teeth cleaning, and stretching more than usual. In the midst of my preparations, I catch myself feeling insecure for a moment because I just know he's going to take off all my clothes, exposing my stomach. I understand that some people might consider me complainy for worrying about my little stomach, but I can't help but feel some type of way at times.

Don't get me wrong, I love my body, and I'm very comfortable in it. There are plenty of revealing clothes I enjoy wearing, and I sure as hell won't let my stomach stop me.

Anyways, I'm waiting for Giovanni to text me because he's the one taking me to my party, thanks to his persistence. I rented out this white mini-mansion right off the beach, and I invited the whole school. No one in Florida is going to turn down a free party in a mansion in Miami.

I get a text from Maddie asking me how I'm going to be late to my own party. It's partly Giovanni's fault because he's the driver, but a part of me doesn't want him to look at me. What if he thinks I look too basic? What if I don't meet his expectations? What if he doesn't meet mine? I shake my head, trying to push these negative thoughts out of my mind.

I've carefully thought this out. I want him to take me, and I'm more excited about that than the actual party itself.

I hear a car honk in front of my home, and I immediately know it's him. I grab my purse and a bottle of water before heading downstairs. My mom is standing in the kitchen, reading a book.

"Mom I'm gone, my ride is here." I tell her and she stops what she's doing to look at me.

"Whose your ride, Madina?" She ask me.

"No, Giovanni," I tell her, making her sigh. She looks past me at the door before meeting my gaze.

"Finneas, you're a woman now, and I know you're doing things I don't like right now, but I trust you." She pauses for a second, and I can see all of her emotions in her eyes. She walks to me, placing her hands on my shoulders. "Just be careful, please? Be safe, make smart choices, and don't let anyone take advantage of you."

"Mom." I laugh out. " I promise I won't." I reassure her before walking to the door.

"Wait, one thing!" I turn to her once again as I almost reached the door.

"Do not make me and Katherine grandparents."

I rush outside the door, practically running as I see him standing there waiting for me. My smile widens the closer I get to him. He has on jet black pants and a white loose T-shirt. Who would have thought something so basic could look so hot?

He looks me up and down for a few seconds before softly guiding me to the passenger side. I'm kind of confused about why he didn't acknowledge me.

Maybe he doesn't like how I look after all.

That thought was soon shut completely shut down because as soon as I get in,  he attacks me. I gasped in shock as he roughly smashes his lips onto mine. I moan into his mouth as his tongue explores mine. He leaves sloppy kisses all of my face and neck while letting his hands grope my body. From my thighs to my breast,  he was being behaving like a mad man.

"Let me fuck you right now." He whispers to me before grabbing onto my dress strap trying to expose my bra. He's fucking nuts especially right outside my mother's house.

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