The Good, The Bad And Gio

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I twist the doorknob, opening it wide enough for me to walk through. He turns to me, with bandages covering his chest, but other than that, he looks more than perfect.

His eyes weren't even on me; instead, they were strictly fixated on my belly. It was like he couldn't break away as silence took over us. I wanted to touch my stomach, something I do to feel a sense of security, but I didn't want to cause attention to myself. The more I stood there, the more I felt like I was about to pass out.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally walks towards me, and I avoid as much eye contact as possible until I watch him get down on his knees, grabbing me by my waist. I feel him place his head against my stomach, leaving me clueless on what I should do. He has yet to acknowledge me, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. He places soft kisses on my stomach repeatedly, worshipping the being in my stomach.


I suck in air hearing him call my name. 

"Yeah?" I answer not knowing what else to say.

"Thank you for not taking this away from me." He says and I pull away from him going to his bed. I'm not having this baby because him, this was all my decision. If im being honest I was set to have an abortion as soon as I found out I was a few weeks pregnant. But the day before it was suppose to happen, I had this epiphany. I remember the day I stabbed Giovanni, I drank wine and I was up all night researching if it would harm my baby. I literally scared myself into almost having a panic attack but that led to the question, why did I care if I was about to kill it? I knew I didnt want to get rid of my baby.

"Why are you crying?" He asks me bending down to reach my level. I just look at him like the weird person he is.

"This is just too much, I fucking stabbed you into a coma and I know that you're angry with me. So whatever you're going to just do it so I can go on with my life." I get out quickly being all tense,  not trusting the distance between us.

He smiles at me before getting up to sit beside me and I turn to look into his eyes.

"Im not angry with you, I knew you were fucking crazy when I came back here. And I knew you were dead serious about stabbing me. I just wanted to see how far you would go." Giovanni pulls me into him forcing my head onto his chest. "But my brothers made me realize something important, no matter how bad you treat me , I'm always kissing your ass. No one has never came near to killing me, they think im weak. But im not afraid to admit that I am weak for you."

I just listen to him ramble trying to find where this is going.

"Finneas I am not happy with you and I haven't been for a long time because after everything we've been through you wanted to leave me. And I told you I would kill but we both know, I dont have the heart do that, but I have no feelings towards any of your friends or your mom. Maddie's downstairs isn't she?" He asks and I knew instantly what he was insinuating. 

I try to get up but he grabs a fist full of my hair keeping me in place as I try to push against him not getting no space whatsoever.

"Finneas you might want to stop because im not done talking." He refrains from speaking any further until I lay restless against him

"Here's my plan, im going to take you downstairs and make you watch as Milano takes his precious time breaking each finger on her hands. The same fingers you let her touch my pussy with, you think I just forgot about that?" I wince as he grips tighter but I dont say anything not having a smart rebuttal. 

"I hate her and you're going to see just how much I despise her before we take a trip next door to do the same thing to your bitch of a mother. I'm going to make sure to record it, so we can revisit my brother ripping her head straight from her body. And then the grand finale will be us finishing off the other twin and her parents. You are going to be forced to hear every scream and feel the blood of everyone you ever loved just because you thought I would let you go. So let's get this over with, we have a flight to catch soon. He pulls me up and I start screaming pushing away from him as hard as I could.

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