Molly, Madina and Finneas

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Warning there's some trash ass smut towards and the end. And this shit is some hot ass mess lmao!!

Also, I think there are a disturbing amount of high misspelled words lmao.

" See yall look! We made it here alive, don't play with my driving skills." I say as I turned down the music. It was completely dark outside now and I was trying to find somewhere to park but there is hell of fucking cars everywhere.

"Look, Finneas, park here," someone tells me, and I listen, turning the car to park it in the empty space next to a sidewalk. Paisley turns the car light on, pulling out a bottle of orange juice and taking a sip. Her face screws up, though, as if she found it disgusting. The moments of spontaneous fun continued as we prepared to enter the party scene.

"Yall try this." She gives it to Maddie who drinks some with no question making the same face as Paisley before passing it to me. I sniff the bottle and the smell of the alcohol almost burns my nostril, but I take a swig anyways and the strong liquid burns down my throat.

"Damn." I say coughing a little before passing it do Dani.

" We starting off right! Listen no splitting up, no hooking up and we all go the bathrooms with each other got it." We all agree getting out of the car and locking the doors.

" You can put her keys in my purse."

We walked towards the sound of the blasting music coming from the frat house. I was holding hands with Maddie, and Dani and Paisley were behind us, engaged in conversation. As we got closer, we could see guys hanging out in the lawn, play-fighting and making a whole bunch of noise. I just hoped the police wouldn't get called on us, as that would lead to some problems. The excitement and anticipation heightened as we approached the lively atmosphere of the party.

" Oh, shit we finally got some hot bitches in here tonight!! WHooooooo.'' All the guys outside begin howling like some damn drunk animals at me and the girls and frankly it's embarrassing. We ignore them to the best of our ability before walking into the house.

" Aye hold on hold on really quick." Some random boy says to us, he had no shirt on and he was exposing his tanned chest. You could tell he worked out a lot and to be honest I would smash him if I wanted to. He came up to me and Maddie looking us up and down before going to Paisley and Dani. " Yea yall valid come in, we don't want no ugly bitches in here."

"Or fat bitches either!" Some other guy yells out and I just scoff. I can't believe this actually happens at frat parties Bruh.

"I'm Brandon, by the way. If y'all need anything, let me know. I can solve any issue you want me to," Brandon said, looking straight ahead with a beautiful smile. His confident demeanor suggested that he was a regular at these events.

God I'm a sucker for guys with pretty smiles.

" Nah we good." Maddie says rushing us into the house brushing past him. " You can mess with the white fuck boy later, let's get drunk bitch!"

"We got some good shit getting blended up right now." This girl says coming up to us, she was wearing a basic white dress that went to her knees and she had long blond curly hair. " It's sour patches, Kool aid, punch, vodka just a bunch of other liquors mixed together. It's the best slushie you'll ever taste. " I'm Katie by the way." She yells over the music reaching her hand out to Maddie but she just looks at the poor girl with disgust.

" Hey,  I'm Finneas." I say taking her hand replacing Maddie's.

"I'm sorry I just randomly came over here, I'm working on being more social and you guys are so pretty, I love your hair Finneas,  it's so big and curly!" She yells refering to my big puff ball.

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