Dear Diary, Entry 5

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Dear Diary,

It's so crazy because in my last entry, I was talking about how sweet Giovanni was, but that didn't last long. I thought us finally being together was something I wanted and it would change him. I gave him something that no one will ever have, one because I wanted to, and two because I thought this would be like a new era or something!

But it just made him worse. He says he cares for me, but he would do and say certain shit just to try to make me jealous. And the constant fighting and violent temper he has – he says I'm the violent one, but he knows I'm no match against him. I hate how vulnerable and weak I am when it comes to him. And I cared about everything he said; if he was to call me fat, I would deadass believe it! 

He knows the chokehold he has on me, and I just can't allow myself to get hurt by him. 

I thought I knew what I wanted, but now I just want to be free, not worrying about if he's going to break my arm just because I called him a cunt.

It's just too stressful. I thought I could handle him, but I can't and I won't. If there's anything else you'd like to include or discuss, feel free to let me know!


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