Square One

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I take another shot of vodka, letting it burn my throat. I couldn't help but make a disgusting face. Good thing I was getting used to the taste. I look over at Giovanni, who also took a shot.

"You guys are so weird." Maddie laughs out.

"Ok never have a ever got fucked in a public place." Maddie says reading from the card. Of course Giovanni takes another shot causing me to get a little mad.

"So you fucking bitches in public places?" I ask him and he looka at me smirking but I didnt find it amusing.

"That was before you, so chill out." He tries to grab my hand but I move it and he sighs. "I mean if you want me to fuck you in a public place I can, you want to try the mall?"

"Dont be gross Giovanni ,you would get us caught!"

"What if I promise to cover your mouth the whole time? Would you let me fuck you?"

"I mean... I dont know." I say quietly crossing my legs tighter. He always turns me on with his dirty talk.

"We are still here you know." Dani says.

"Ok, ok, anyways, never have I ever made out with the same gender," Maddie reads, and we both take shots before laughing. I turn to look at Giovanni, who is staring at Maddie with a blank face.

"Anyways," she slowly draws out in an awkward tone. "Oh, this one should be a 'No' for all of us, but never have I ever killed someone," she says.

I raise a shot . "Nah im just kidding." I say laughing. But Giovanni on the other hand takes a shot.

"Come on, stop capping." I say laughing but as usual he didnt look like he was joking.

"Im not kidding, ive come close to killing a lot of people including you but one person I actually had to." He says nonchalantly.


"Come on Gio stop it, you wouldnt just kill someone and just admit it like that, We are all liability."

"It's not like y'all could do anything. You could try to get me in trouble, but it just wouldn't work," he takes another shot of vodka. Dani and Paisley laugh at him, but I roll my eyes; he's always trying to make himself seem scary.

"So who did you kill?" She asks him and he shrugs.

"Dont worry about that right now."

I shake my head and whisper to Maddie that he was just lying.

"Anyways that was the last card, so what now?"

We all fall silent, trying to think of something. After we finish watching a horror movie, we all sit on the floor in my room playing games. Even though Giovanni clearly didn't plan on doing this, and I'm not talking to Dani, we all seem to be enjoying ourselves. I look at Giovanni, and an idea pops into my head.

"Giovanni, what was the the lamest sexual experience you ever had?" I ask him and he laughs.

"Well..." he starts off still smiling. "About a couple weeks ago I took some little's girls virginity it was kind of-"

I throw a pillow at him making him bust out laughing. "Im kidding Im kidding!" He chuckles out.

"You probably actually mean it and dont want to hurt my feelings!"

"Come on princess don't be a crybaby. Im going to tell you the truth.
When I was in Italy, I was fucking with this Latina chick and she fucking stank."

When he said that we all instantly began laughing.

"Its not even funny she smelt like fucking monkey shit I dont even know." He begins laughing too.

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