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I walk backwards with Silva slowly stalking towards me with a crazed look on his face

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I walk backwards with Silva slowly stalking towards me with a crazed look on his face. He had his shirt unbuttoned and his hair damp from sweating.

"Why are you here?" I ask him calmly trying not to show that I am scared, he chuckles darkly rubbing his hands through his hair something he did when he was upset.

"What do you mean? I just came to bring my girl home; you still are my girl, right?"

"You're insane." I tell him softly with tears coming down my face because I knew that this night would end with him getting his way and me still being in love with him.

"I'm insane? You're the one with the knife in your hand not me, C'mon." he says taunting me with a smirk on his face.

"Be a good girl and use it on daddy like you want." I wipe my endless tears shaking my head. I didn't want to hurt him but he was pushing me to it.

"Come on Nastasia do it!" I scream as I watch him lunge at me, on instinct I swing the knife slicing into his arm. I gasp instantly dropping it and we both stand still as a lot of his blood drips from him. We stood in silence until he silently began laughing, I watch him raise his arm to lick his blood before staring into my eyes.

"That's it Stasi let's play." He takes shirt completely off before coming at me again.

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