Face To Face

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Warning: This is a short chapter

Maddie and I stood up to fix ourselves while Giovanni continued to stare blankly at us. I knew that look, and it made me nervous. I was too scared to say anything because there was no telling what was going on in his mind right now.

" Both of yall get the fuck downstairs, your friends are by the door." We both flinch at the sound of his voice but he didn't have to tell me twice. I rush down the stairs holding onto Maddie's hand. We both were laughing as we tried our best to go down the stairs without falling.

Well someone is mad.

Just like he said Paisley and Dani was waiting by the door. I rush Maddie towards them with the biggest smile on my face"Where are the keys we need to leave now." I take it upon myself to reach into Paisley's purse but couldn't find them.

"Giovanni has them; he said he wasn't letting us drive drunk. He told me to give him our address when he came down with y'all," Dani explained, revealing Giovanni's unexpected intervention.

"Ugh this bitch! Don't give him yall address come to my house." I tell them. Both Paisley and Dani looked confused and in a daze so I could tell that the molly had affected them.

" Yea, you should see how he looks right now... I'm staying with Finneas."

" Maddie, I don't give a fuck how he looks, I'm mad he interrupted us."

"What the fuck happened up there!"

" We were having a threesome with this guy and he walked in!'"  I tell them and then they began talking over each other to get answers.

" That's not the point! He's mad I just know it, But I have no idea why though!"

"Me neither, like you're not his girlfriend, and he's over here messing with other people, so what you do has nothing to do with him. Oh shit, he's coming down the stairs,"

" I just want to say that we might have to fight over the steering wheel." I warn them.

" Huh?! What do you mean by that!" Dani yells.

His eyes are locked on mine when he comes into sight, and he looks pissed. He pushes past people, getting cursed at as he walks towards us. He snatches my wrist, making me gasp as he yanks me forward. I look at the girls while giggling as I am forced to walk. I've almost tripped several times, and I tried to tell him to slow down, but he refused to listen

"Get in the car," he pushed me forward, causing my body to slam into the car with a thud. I looked at the girls again to see that clearly, we were all out of it. Maddie had the same smirking expression as me, and Paisley and Dani seemed so lost in space. Their hair was a little poofy from how hot it was in that Frat House.

I waited for the girls to get in before hopping in the passenger seat. Knowing Giovanni, he would just drive us with only me in the car.

"This wind feels so amazing, oh my god," I said, rolling my window down more as we drove on the highway. The feeling of the rough wind slapping over me left a fresh sensation all over my body, and there were barely any cars, given that it was 2 a.m. The cool breeze offered a momentary escape from the intensity of the situation, and I let myself get lost in the sensation for a while.

Maddie screamed, and I looked back to see half her body hanging out the window. "This shit feels so amazing," she exclaimed. Maddie was sitting right behind me on a window. I smiled, taking my seatbelt off, copying after her. I stuck my body out the window, letting the wind leave chills through my body. The reckless abandon and freedom in that moment provided a temporary escape from the complexities of life.

This is like the happiest day of my life; it feels like I'm flying right now.

I turn to see Maddie's hair completely covering her face but I could see her teeth a little, she was smiling and I could tell she was feeling the same way I was.

"Finneas, wake up," I heard someone say to me, but I mumbled and tried to go back to my peaceful sleep. "Finneas." Someone shook my arm, and I slowly opened my eyelids, seeing the dark sky. Where are we? I raised up more to see my house on the right side of me. We were parked outside my house, and Giovanni was no longer in the car. Maddie's keys were still in the ignition, and all the doors were still unlocked. The disorientation settled in as I tried to piece together what had happened.

"He really just left us out here like that; I can't believe we all fell asleep," one of them said. I was still in the process of waking up to figure out who. I yawned, stretching out before getting out of the car. Getting my keys out of my purse, I hurriedly walked to evade the cold, knowing the girls would follow behind me. The realization of Giovanni's departure added a layer of confusion and discomfort to the aftermath of the night.

"I had so much energy before, but now I'm just really, really tired," I yawned out again as I showed the girls to my room. I immediately took off my dress and heels, exposing my lingerie, and hopped into bed. I was so terribly tired it didn't make sense, and I was almost asleep but not before reading a message from Giovanni.

It read. " As soon as your friends leave, Im fucking you up."

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