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I few days have passed and I haven't been happy. Giovanni refuses to let me leave the house and he threatened to put his hands on me if I tried. A part of me thinks he's serious too, every he saw he's been more aggressive and mean. I think he still has animosity towards me for stabbing him. Truth be told, even this baby couldn't stop me from trying to kill him if he ever puts his hands on me.

I needed some space from him; everywhere I go, he's right behind me. If I want to use the bathroom, he's there; if I want to take a shower, he's washing my hair, and when I'm hungry, he's damn near spoon-feeding me. He even went through my phone, claiming he doesn't trust me. I had to sneak down here for some alone time, so now I'm just at the dining table in the dark, eating sliced apples.

It doesn't take long before I hear footsteps, and I see his figure rush outside. I softly laugh to myself at his incompetence.

"In here, dummy," I say loud enough for him to hear me. He's on his phone, most likely calling his brothers. I've learned a few things about Gio; he's one of the youngest, and he relies on his older brother to do his dirty work.

The first two eldest are close; they go everywhere together and are partners. Partners in what? Crime? Giovanni didn't specify anything else, but I can see the craziness in their eyes, especially from Milano.

"Waiting on your ride?" He asks me in a accusatory tone. And I just sigh shaking my head.

"Give me your phone."

"I'm literally just eating sliced apples! I can't eat fruit now! Damn!" I throw down my half-eaten apple on a napkin, losing my appetite for it. "But if you must go through my stuff again, here." I throw my phone over to him, not wanting to fight. Giovanni is like a huge baby; people call me immature, but it's all his fault.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I would have gotten it for you."

"Gio, I am a grown-ass woman," I say, but then I have a sudden realization. Not really grown and barely legal with a baby on the way. "What have I gotten myself into?" I place my hands in my hair. I should be asleep, on my way to school right now, but here I am, trapped and sneaking around to eat a damn apple.

"I just know you're really contempt. I'm getting fat, my body won't ever look the same, and I'm a high school dropout. The career I'd ever have is working at Walmart! And I guess that makes you really happy, how dependent I really am on you!"

Giovanni chuckles becoming amused.

"I see your hormones got you acting like a bitch again." He dismisses me throwing my trash away before touching my shoulder. "It's 3 a.m come to bed."

"Don't touch me." I flinch away from him trying to walk away but he snatches me forcing me into his chest.

"I'm still confused on why you think you run shit, maybe I need to start using that other approach I've been talking about. One way or another you will start respecting me."

"Im showing you disrespect by telling you not to touch me?" I ask in disbelief.

"Here you go, trying to act clueless. Come on." He pushes me ahead of him, making me trip and almost fall. I don't know what fell, but I definitely knocked something over.

"Walk." He demands pushing me forward once more. I could feel him closely behind me as we walked about the stairs to his room. And it's silent the whole time and he doesn't speak until we are both in bed.

"You make me feel as if this relationship won't work sometimes." Giovanni pauses waiting for my response but I keep quiet. "But I think you know what will happen to you if that's the case. If I were you, I would be finding ways to keep me satisfied. Because the moment I lose interest, your life has no meaning."

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