Driver's Dead

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"You don't even know how pathetic you look right now Finneas. Like i'm so disgusted with your behavior right now that I could fight you.'' Maddie tells me and I just groan placing my cover over my head. She has been stopping at my house for the past few days trying to get me out of bed but her attempts failed everytime. I was hopping that she would just give up but appearently that isn't happening.

"Do you see how fucking dumb you are right now? You literally missed a big test we had in government history because of Giovanni. He's over here probably getting his dick sucked by some random, not being affected, while you're sitting here wasting your life away. You're about to be a grown woman in a few days, and look at you acting so childish," Maddie went on, her voice monotone as ever. I groaned, smashing my face into my pillow. I had been in bed for the past few days, missing at least four days of school in a row. My mom tried to get me out of bed, but her focus quickly changed to some big business deal she was closing. I honestly didn't even know what she does for real, but she gives me a good allowance, so I really don't care.

"Finneas, if you don't get up, I will literally drag you out by your hair," Maddie threatened, her patience clearly wearing thin

" And I will literally beat your ass." I mock her voice. She didn't say anything else, but I still knew she was in my room, even though I was under my blanket. The unspoken presence lingered.

"Fineeeeee," I groaned, lifting the covers from me aggressively. I checked my phone to see that it was 5 p.m in the afternoon, and a Friday? Damn, I was in my room longer than I expected. My birthday was the upcoming Wednesday.

I looked up at Maddie, who was looking at me disapprovingly. Instantly, I noticed that she had dyed her hair completely black. The change in her appearance added to the surreal atmosphere, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the world outside my room.

" You dyed your hair?" I ask stating the obvious.

"Yeah, I'm trying to decide on another color to use, but I don't know yet. Anyways, what do you want to do today? When was the last time you ate?" Maddie asked, her concern shifting from disapproval to a more caring tone. The contrast in her approach highlighted the genuine worry she held for my well-being.

I shrugged my shoulders. If we're being honest, I lost track. Eating had completely left my mind. I hadn't been hungry, so the need to eat seemed pointless. The days had blurred together, and basic needs had taken a backseat to the storm of emotions swirling within me.

" You're unbelievable Fin I swear."

" You want to know what's unbelievable!" I say to her getting out of bed. " This!" I push my phone towards her so she could see the message Giovanni left me.

"Ok, he says wyd princess...ew and then like two hours later he says, If it makes you feel better, when I was making out with Rosalia she told me I tasted sweeter than usual." Maddie pauses for a second to look at me. " That's all from your pussy princess." She continues, just hearing those messages read aloud to me filled me with rage. I look at Maddie as she bust out laughing and to be honest if the tables were turned, I would probably be laughing too.

" Finneas he's like an unaplogitic asshole, like it's so unreal that he literally sent you this. Did he think this was going to make you happy, that he kissed some other bitch after eating your pussy?"

"No! He knows I wouldn't be happy. I don't understand why he's messing with me like this! You know what I need, Maddie? I need to get drunk. Like so damn drunk that I won't be able to breathe. I promised myself that I wouldn't drink anymore, but it's way overdue," I exclaimed, the frustration and pain in my voice reflecting the need for an escape from the overwhelming emotions. The idea of drowning those feelings in alcohol seemed like a tempting reprieve at that moment.

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