Let Me Give You A Ride

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It might be uncommon, but I genuinely enjoy going to school. It's a bit annoying how many people equate school to hell when, in reality, it's not that bad. The one thing I fucking hate about school, though, is the process of getting up. It really bothers me; waking up before your body signals it's time is something no one should endure. Unfortunately, it seems like not everyone cares about that.

My alarm blared sharply at 7 a.m, insisting on waking me up every five minutes. Initially, I entertained the idea of seeing how long I could sleep before my mom barged into my room, but I thought better of it. With a gradual rise, I got out of bed and turned off my fan before heading into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I carefully remove my silky blue scarf, allowing the scent of hair grease to waft into my nose. Normally, I'm not a fan of wearing grease, but it's the only way I can style my hair into a puffball without it looking unruly. My dark brown hair is slicked up, forming curls on the top of my head.

After finishing brushing my teeth, I return to my bedroom to choose an outfit. I recall a time when I used to plan my outfits the day before, but eventually, I stopped caring. Now, I have a dresser full of crop tops, each one calling my name.

I opted for light blue jeans and a black long-sleeve crop top with a V-neck. After one last glance in the mirror, I grabbed my book bag. Descending the stairs, I could hear my mom and Mrs. Katherine, our next-door neighbor, engaged in conversation on the couch, each holding a white mug. I couldn't help but wonder what mess they were discussing this time. Both of them look at me when they heard my footsteps coming down the stairs.

" I guess you got tired of me storming in your room huh?" My mom asked me with a smirk on her face.

"Mhm," I mumbled, still feeling the fatigue lingering.

"Well, that's good news. I was just telling Katherine about how you made it into the cheer squad," my mom exclaimed and I groan out loud.

"Girl bye, can't I not brag about my daughters accomplishments? You should be worried if I wasn't talking about you." She semi yells back.

I let out a sigh, gazing at both of them. I was already tired from being woken up too early, despising the whole process of getting up.

"Oh and Katherine's family is coming from Italy, well just a couple of them. You know some of her kids."

I look at Ms.Katherine rubbing the back of her neck. She probably wasn't ready for that information to come out yet but my mom ruined it.

" Yea it's not a big deal but my youngest boy should be here by tomorrow. You remember him right? He's the one that helped you get your license."

My eyes lit up. That means Giovanni is coming tomorrow and I haven't seen him in almost two years. How could I forget the first guy I was ever was attracted to?

" Well It's nothing. I guess he just wants to have some extra time with me alone so I can spoil him. She lets out a chuckle -still rubbing her neck. But I honestly think he coming early for another reason." She said her eyes being dead locked on me.

After that it just go real quiet with us staring at one another. I looked at my phone seeing that it was almost time for me to leave for school.

"Well I'm going now." I say turning around.

"Do you want me to drop you off, I don't mind." My mom offers.

"No, it's fine. I feel like walking anyway," I replied before making my way out of the house. The cool fall breeze hit me instantly, almost making me wish I had brought a jacket. However, I knew it would be scorching by the time I got out of school, so I wasn't too concerned. I sighed, putting my AirPods in before strolling down the sidewalk.

I understand that some people might be against wearing headphones while walking due to safety concerns, fearing potential dangers like kidnapping. However, I'm not too worried about it because, honestly, nothing ever happens around here. I live in such a small town where everyone knows everyone, so the probability of encountering any trouble is extremely low.

Moreover, I know my neighborhood like the back of my hand. I've been walking to school by myself since I was little, passing by Mrs. Katherine's home, right next door to me. She used to give me fresh cookies on my way to school. Oh, the good days when sweets didn't make me feel sick.

As I walk past a couple of bushes, I notice a car passing and then stopping right in front of me, as if they were letting me cross. I pause my music to hear noise coming from the car. They drive backward and stop right in front of me. The driver rolls down their window, revealing Maddie, one of my schoolmates.

She had a vape in her hand and she took a puff before talking. " What are you doing walking, let me give me a ride." She says yelling over the music. I walked closer to the car so I wouldn't have to yell.

" Nah I'm good, it feels good out here." I say.

The back door was swung open showing a light skinned girl with light brown hair sitting. " Girl get your ass in the car." The girl demanded and I shake my head laughing.

"Fine, whatever," I say before getting into the car. The girl moves over, allowing me to take a seat. The scent of the vape pen drifts into my nose instantly. It's not an unpleasant smell; it's more like a sweet candy aroma. The girl next to me is engrossed in texting on her phone, and there's another girl in the passenger seat. I assume it's Dani, Maddie's twin.

I recognize them because they tried out for the cheer squad alongside me, and, unsurprisingly, they made it in too. If I'm being honest, they might even be better dancers than the team captain. That could certainly explain why the captain was always calling them out for doing too much.

"Congratulations on making it onto the cheer squad with us. We're about to come in and change some shit up, right?" Dani said, almost as if she was reading my mind. I just laughed and agreed with what she was saying.

" Yea I'm actually pretty excited about making it because I think it's going to be a wild experience.." 

"Fsho! You know the cheer squad is always into some shit. Remember that riot that happened two years?"

"Oh shit! That did happen, I think somebody had a gun too." Maddie yelled. I start laughing recalling the events, it was a mess for sure.

"But y'all know the principal said one more incident and the whole squad is getting shut down. That's why the team is a little more chill," Dani explained, adding a note of caution to the conversation.

"It ain't gonna be chill if we're still in there," Maddie chimed in, giving Dani a high five to emphasize their shared sentiment.

I watched them, slightly amused. I couldn't help but wish I could be as close to my siblings as they were with each other. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever get that close to the siblings I have. But that's a story for another day.

The girl next to me tapped my arm offering me the vape. I shake my head turning down the offer. Only because I was chewing mint gum earlier and it would leave a nasty taste in my mouth.

One of the girls turn the radio back up loudly and I just sat back on my phone waiting for the ride to end.

A/n: I went over this chapter kind of lol. So sorry if some of the sentences don't make sense, I plan on editing more seriously after it's complete. Anyways tell me what you think!

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