Team Girls

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It didn't take us long to get to the school, and surprisingly, the ride wasn't as annoying as I thought it would be. I spent most of the time chatting with the girl next to me and found out that her name is Paisley. It's crazy because I've seen her around school for years, but I never paid attention to her name. She's pretty cool, real laid back and chill. I didn't learn a lot about her, but I do know that she's friends with the twins, and she's closer to Dani than Maddie.

I thank the girls before getting out of the car and agreeing to meet them before cheer practice.

I won't lie; the school I go to is pretty big, with the entire building made of protective glass in case of a shooting. I can look up and see students walking on the fourth floor. It's quite complex too; it took me a couple of months to figure out how to navigate from one place to another. Even now, I'm still discovering new bathrooms. It kind of reminds me of a mall, in a way.

If this is what a public school looks like, I wonder how extravagant a private school must be. Before I could go inside the building, I had to get my bags searched and scanned for any metal, I guess for safety reasons.

As soon as I get into the building I'm greeted by Makayla waiting for me by my locker.

"Hey." I say softly walking towards her. She doesn't reply, instead she looks at me squinting a little.

" You got a ride with the twins?" She ask.

"Yeah, they were pretty persistent so I couldn't refuse."

" So are you guys like friends now or something?"

I tilted my head slightly, confused. "Um, I don't know. I just started talking to them. Why?"

" Oh no reason I'm just wondering  and speaking of friends when are you going to make up with Kelly?"

I let out a short laugh, is she being serious right now?"I'm never going to make up with her. She slept with my boyfriend, we will never be cool again."

" But don't you think you should get over it? It's not her fault that he wanted her and not you. I think you're being bitter if you ask me."

One thing about Makayla that I fucking hate is how she  always take Kelly's side. No matter if she was in the wrong or not and most of time I just ignore it and walk away because I would hate to hurt her feelings.

" I'm going to pretend I didn't hear a thing you said." I say walking away from.

"Seriously?" She ask before grabbing my arm. I turned around to push her away from me.

" I never asked you for your fucking opinion because I don't care. You can kiss Kelly's ass all you want but you are not going to disrespect me bitch, you understand?"

She shrugged me off her mumbling something under her breath.
" Let's just forget about it and go to class." She walks ahead of me and I just roll my eyes following behind her to first period.

I can't say that I hate my classes entirely, but today was boring as hell. Makayla was giving me the cold shoulder the whole time, but I don't care because she pissed me off anyway. I skip lunch all the time, so I don't know what bullshit she was on, and honestly, I kind of knew that there was a chance that we would fall out, but whatever.

I know it should be hard for me since we have been friends since we were kids but if they don't care about my feeling then why should I care about theirs?

After school I go to the locker room to change into my cheer uniform . One of the reasons I joined was because of their cute uniforms. The colors consist of pink and gold which I think compliment each other well.

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