Feel Good

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"Damn it Giovanni! You don't have to slam the door like that." I say in frustration as we walk into my house.

"I thought you said no one was here." He says taking his shoes and jacket off hanging it on the rack.

"That may be the case, but you don't have to be all harsh coming in here," I remark and he walks closer  with a slight smirk on his face. His actions spoke louder than words as he grabs my wrist, leading me up the stairs and into my bedroom. The situation took a turn, and a mix of uncertainty and tension lingers in the air. As soon as I shut the door Giovanni pushed me against it and kisses me intensely, I immediately relax under him until I felt his hands go into my leggins. I reluctantly unlocked my lips from his sliding away from him.

"Giovanni-" I start off before trying to catch my breath. " I need to take a quick a shower- I've been in the hot ass sun all day and i'm sweaty!" I had to raise my voice so Giovanni wouldn't talk over me.

" Finneas don't waste my time, you either want this or not because I can go home." He says clearly aggrivated. And the tone of his voice quickly made me aggrivated as well.

"Well, take your ass home then! The hell! You're the one begging for this, not me. You could have waited a few more minutes," I snapped, frustration and irritation evident in my words. 

" I'm not the one that suggested we come to your house, your ass you did." Giovanni states.

True. I couldn't think of anything else to say and that just made me even more mad.

" Get the fuck out, matter of fact...I don't even want you anywhere near me you crazy ass psycho! I don't want anyone who is more than capable of killing me in a blink of an eye anywhere near me!" Giovanni laughed...liked actually laughed.

"Why we bringing up the past now... I thought we were having a good day."

"The fuck you mean the past, it just happened  yesterday!" I groan out slapping my hand on my forehead. " You know what...there's the door Giovanni." I say pointing to it.

Turning around, I reached for the clothes I planned on wearing after I got out of the shower. When I stood up, I noticed Giovanni still standing behind me in the mirror. Ignoring his presence, I walked right past him to grab a bottle of lotion."You better be out of my house by the time I get out of the shower, and I mean it," I said to him, my tone serious. I slammed my bathroom door loudly but opened it back up almost instantly, a thought popping into my head. The situation remained tense as I grappled with my feelings and the unexpected turn of events.

" By the way... do not ever come to my school again because I never want to see you" I wasn't getting the reaction I wanted.. he just chuckles again like I was telling him a joke.

This bitch must not think I'm serious, he never takes me seriously.

I slam my door once again standing closly behind it until I hear my bedroom door open and close.

Damn! That bitch actually left!

I sigh turning my shower onto hot before taking all my clothes off.


After my much-needed shower, I stepped out onto my bathmat before grabbing my towel and wrapping it around me. I went through my entire skincare routine before putting on my clothes for the night and opening my door. The cold air from outside instantly hit my skin, but any discomfort was quickly forgotten when I saw Giovanni sitting on my bed, completely engrossed in some show on my TV. I can only imagine the look on my face as I walked toward the front of my bed to get his attention. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of surprise and frustration, wondering why he was still there after my explicit instructions."Ummm...why are you still here? I thought I told you to leave."

"Since when do I listen to you?" He asks before chuckling.

"Real talk Fineas, you're being so irrational,  the only thing that has matured is your body. You're still the same spoiled and tempered 15 year old."

I gasp at his insult, the actual nerve he has to say that to me while still laying in my bed.

"For your information I have matured a lot...if anyone hasn't matured it's your psychotic ass. You're still the same emotionless, disrespectful cruel ass boy from-"

"Finneas shut the fuck up damn, I honestly don't know why I came to your ass in the first place. I should have snapped your fucking neck when I had the chance."

"I'm right here bitch! You got an oppurtunity right now ,come do it." I got on the bed sitting right in front of him with my arms crossed. He just wears a smirk on his face clearly amused.

"You know what princess...I'm sorry, you know I could never kill you right?" He ask me. His voice is was saying one thing but his face was a totally different story. It was like he was only saying this right now for his own amusement.

I cross my arms over my chest feeling slightly bothered. "Can you just leave now..why are you still here? Aren't I annoying or something?"

"Sometimes, I don't mind it for the most part. But the reason I'm still here is because I haven't changed my mind about wanting to be inside you."

I laughed out, a mix of disbelief at his audacity and flustered amusement. I found myself taken aback, realizing I had never been around someone so straightforward.

"I don't know actually, you were just being and asshole towards me and you still think I'm going to let you touch me?" I ask in disbelief.

"I mean yeah..I'm always being an asshole towards you and yet here we are now."

"Not this time. I'm putting you out, so there's the door, bitch," I declared, extending my arm fully and pointing my acrylic nails straight to the door. To my surprise, Giovanni stood up from my bed. I hadn't expected him to actually listen, but any sense of relief was short-lived as he stood directly in front of me, looking down and seemingly peering straight into my soul.

I stand there silently waiting for his next move and he slowly brings one of his big hands to my chest to touch my necklace that was shaped like a heart.

My body heats up from how close his hands were to my breast. I look down at his hand for a second and then back at him to see him still staring at me. I notice how intimidating he is... how small I was compared to him. And that turns me on, it's so crazy how he isn't afraid to manhandle me. I hum out a little while closing my eyes to get these dirty thoughts out of my head but that fails.

"Giovanni I'm in the mood again." I tell him and I waste no time taking his shirt off.

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