The End

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I wince repeatedly as I take the time to focus on my hair. If you think period cramps are bad, just wait until you have children. I try to control my breathing, feeling another sharp pain shoot through me. Fuck it, I take my wig brush, breezing through my hair before pinning it back with a claw clip. After rinsing my face off with water, I exit the bathroom and return to our room.

"Finneas, what are you doing?" Giovanni asks, coming up behind me. I was in the middle of taking the bedsheets off.

"My water broke." I tell him quickly before trying to get behind him to place them in the clothing bin.

"Whoa-Whoa-whoa!" He lets out grabbing my arm. There's a look of surprise on his face and I can't help but to smile on him.

"What the hell are you going?! I'm calling my mom right now." He says. I never seen him this panicked before and it made me chuckle. I'm quick to grab on to his arm feeling another contraction.

"I need to do my makeup." I let out before taking a deep breath. I patiently wait for it to wash over me before getting up but Giovanni stands in my way. 

"We are leaving now." He says pulling me up. I could see how nervous he was as he tried to gently pull me along, speeding up before continuously slowing down remembering my state.

He gets me in the back seat before going to drive. For me, my heart was pounding, this is it. After carrying my babies for 9 months, it's finally time for me to have them. Tears fall down my eyes thinking about everything I've been through, would I be a good mother?Will our children see us fighting? Sicne the baby shower, things have been good but I don't know how long that will last.

"Watch it Giovanni, don't kill us trying to get there!" I yell as he dodges a car with his speeding.

"How are you feeling back there? Are you still hurting?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I feel fine." I can't believe woman actually go through a lot of pain when giving birth. Lucky for me, it's not that bad.
"It's really bad!" I yell out haunched over the birthing ball I was given to help me. At first I was feeling like minor cramps until they just went... crazy. I've never experienced so much pain in my life. It wasn't that hot but my hair was damn clinging to my forehead as I fight the urge to throw up. Another contraction comes out making me groan out in pain.

"Giovanni! It hurts!" I sob out and he grabs my face kissing me all over, even with my face covered in snot and tears.

"It's almost over baby, you're going to be okay." He tries to reassure but I wasn't convinced. I quickly stand up feeling like I was on fire. I would do anything to get this feeling to go away.

"Get those damn doctors in here! I want drugs and I want these babies out! I don't want to do this anymore." I was having  full temper tantrum while Giovanni aided my side babying me.

"Ok Mrs. Valentino, let's get you in bed." The nurse says coming in. Even while being set up and prepped for birth, I had so many feelings running inside of me. I look at Giovanni who I realize was crying next to me and I laid my head on his stomach.

"Please don't let my hand go." I tell him and I watch fresh tears go down his face.

"I promise I won't ever let go." He bends down placing his forehead on mine. "Are you ready?" He asks. I couldn't answer as my lip began to tremble. Of course I wasn't but I needed to do this. It was only me and him in the room while everyone else waited outside.

"You can start pushing now." They tell me. I grab on his hand hard using all the power I could to get this baby out. But I was tired and so I stop trying to breath.

"You got this sweetie, just one more push."

I shake my head, I couldn't do it. The pain was too much but Giovanni rubs my skin while telling me how much he loved me.

I push one more time hearing the sound of crying and I just start bawling. That was my baby.

"Okay just one more time, you got it."

I had gotten this burst of energy wanting my child to not be alone. With all the energy I had left I managed to get my second child out and they called out it was a boy. I lay slump against Giovanni completely drained. Sweat dripped down my face and my heart felt like it was going to explode but that feeling went away when they place our kids in our arms.

I just sat in silence looking at the small being who stared blankly at me with half closed eyes. My baby girl had her father eyes with a head full of hair already. I turn to look at my son who was in Giovanni's arms but he couldn't keep them steady because he was full on crying. I mean shoulders moving up and down and everything. I've never seen this kind of emotion from him.

"Baby I love you so fucking much!" He cries out kissing me on the lips. "I swear I'm going to make you happy every day."

I listen to my babies coo with nothing but admiration for the both of them. I'm a mom, these are my kids. I place a soft kiss on her forehead before turning to him.

"My precious babies, Madaliene and Giovanni jr."

A/n: I can't believe how much love this story has gotten. There will be a few epilogues coming up this week and preview for the sequel. The sequel has been getting worked on and will be out when it's fully completed. I've learned it would be best to publish like that to stay consistent for you guys.

Trust me, the sequel will not disappoint!
Thank you so much!

Just made an instagram @LavidLibra, follow is you have more questions and want more content.

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