Vigilante Shit

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As I drive on the highway, that Taylor Swift song about dressing for revenge keeps playing in my head. I contemplate my outfit while heading to Pasta Palace. Whether it's a coincidence or not, as soon as Maddie leaves my home, Giovanni calls me, instructing me to meet him.

My heart used to pound in excitement when it came to him, but now it's just rage. Despite that, I immediately agreed and stealthily snuck out with my old car.

Part of me regrets taking the highway because I dislike driving with a lot of cars around. I anxiously look around, fearing a collision, and the sensation of flying overwhelms me, even though I'm only doing 50. However, that's beside the point. I'm dressed for bed, not for a 5-star restaurant like the Palace. I intentionally chose not to impress him, yet, at the end of the day, I still let him decide what I was going to wear.

I can feel the urge to cry and entertain thoughts of ramming the back of my car into the person in front of me. Life feels unbearably difficult right now, and I can't help but wonder if I brought this upon myself. Maddie is the only person who knows about what's going on with me, and sometimes, I just long to vent to the first person willing to listen.

I can feel the urge to cry and entertain thoughts of ramming the back of my car into the person in front of me. Life feels unbearably difficult right now, and I can't help but wonder if I brought this upon myself. Maddie is the only person who knows about what's going on with me, and sometimes, I just long to vent to the first person willing to listen.

I scream at the sound of someone knocking on my door, and as I turn, I see him standing there. He attempts to open my door, but fortunately, it's locked. I hadn't even noticed him standing there!

Quickly, I grab my purse, take my keys out of the ignition, and unlock the doors. He opens the door for me, but then has the audacity to try to grab my hand.

"Do not touch me!" I yell, swiftly weaving away from him and getting out of the car. I have no idea where our seats are reserved, but I'm determined to get inside the building as quickly as possible. It's 8, and the sun is beginning to set.

"We are just ahead up there," he points, attempting to place his hand on my back. However, I move away, staring at the stupid smile on his face. The spot he chose is conveniently away from everyone, but we are sitting next to very wide windows that offer a broad view of the outside.

"The fuck you doing?" I ask, giving him a sideways glance as he attempts to sit next to me. I swiftly place both my legs up to block him. Despite his laughter, I can tell he thinks all of this is a game. I do my best to control myself, resisting the urge to attempt to take his eyeballs out.

"Okay, I know I'm acting like an asshole, but in all seriousness, how have you been?" he asks, and I just stare at him. I couldn't discern if he was being serious or playing this time, given his expression.

"You literally exposed me for the world to see! I let you record-"

"Hi, I'm going to be your waitress today. Can I get you guys started with any drinks?" I pause, looking at the blond waitress in front of me.

"I would like just a pink lemonade." I tell her. And I look at Giovanni waiting for him to answer.

"Nothing for me."

"Um, what about that red wine you were just telling me you wanted?" He looks at me with confusion, and I glare at him. He can't be so stupid.

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