Finneas The Virgin

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Giovanni keeps me right by his side as more and more people leave. I expected myself to be nervous or scared, but I couldn't wait. I crave the pleasure he gives me, and it has to be today or never.

Maddie walks up to me, excited about what's to come. She walks off, giving me some tips to try to make it pleasurable for the both of us. And trust me, I take every word she says seriously.

"Now that everyone is leaving, I'm starting to feel the nerves!" I whisper to her.

"Most people are nervous when they lose their virginity. And Finneas, I can tell you right now he's not going to be gentle."

"What makes you say that?!"

"Bitch, look at the way he's staring at you!" I quickly look at him to see his dark eyes staring at me, but what concerns me is that he's giving me the same look he does when I piss him off and when he wants to fight me.

"Maddie,  I'm ready to go fucking home come on!" Dani yelled at her from outside.

"Bitch don't fucking rush me the fuck! I'll leave you're ass here to stargaze, little little bastard!" She scoffs before turning to me smiling.

"Anyways, I got to go. Bye, babe." She gives me another tight hug, and I wonder if she can feel how hard my heart is pounding. I wave goodbye to her, watching her walk out of the mansion. Giovanni shuts the door gently before turning to me. The LEDs are still on, but the once-raging room is now empty with only the two of us.

Before anything could be said, I walk upstairs that I had locked up just for us. There was way more room up here than down there. A second whole kitchen was up here, surrounded by an expensive marble island. There was a custom-made white pool table in the living room. But my admiration for the room comes to a stop as I hear his footsteps. I quickly walk to the room I like, leaving the door open so he can walk right in.

I slide my dress down exposing my matching Lingerie and I kick off my heels , sitting on the bed. My heart pounds as I hear the floor creak just outside from me.

He chuckles when he sees me.

"Oh, so you think you're just ready for me, huh?" He asks.
I don't respond,  I just watch as he approaches me.
He takes off his shirt for the second time today, kissing me. We're both desperate for each other's tongues. I moan into his mouth as he wraps his hand around my throat.

"I'm going to give you one more chance to be completely honest with me."

Are you a virgin?" He ask standing above me very dominant.
" Yeah," I answer honestly.
" You want me to be the only one touching you down here for now on" His big hand slowly slides down to my heated area making quiver under his touch.

"Y-yes," I answered shakily I can't believe this is happening. Giovanni is  breathing very hard above me, like he's trying to control himself from pouncing on me. He slides one of his thumbs in my mouth which I gladly accept looking him straight in his eyes.

" Do you want it?" He ask me. I couldn't help but moan while nodding my head. He slowly takes his thumb out of my mouth, still looking me in the eyes with his dark, lust clouded stare.

" Do you want it in your mouth?"
I turnmy head the other way flustered with his question. He grabs my chin roughly making me look at him once again.

" Yes, I want it in my mouth." I close my eyes for a second time, hearing the sound of Giovanni's belt unbuckling.

By surprise, he pulled my head back to make me groan out.

" Open your mouth."

He strokes his hard dick in his hands a few times before place the tip of his dick in my mouth. I was completely taken aback by the size of this monster. I always knew he was packing but there was no way my tiny ass could handle all that. I flinch at the feeling . His goddamn dick is actually in my mouth.

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