Disparate Youth

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"This is nice." I say to myself looking at the spacious closet in awe. I was imaging all the clothes I could fit into this space. To honest, I didn't think I would enjoy apartment hunting as much as I did.

After visiting multiple apartments, I find myself really liking the penthouse situated close to the strip that's always bustling with life, no matter the time of day.

"So, what do you think?" The realtor asks, walking up to me. She couldn't care less what I thought; she just wanted to close the deal. But in truth, I think it's a nice place to raise a child..

"It's ok." I tell her blankly.

"That means she likes it," Giovanni cuts in, pushing me behind him. I don't even have the energy to argue with him as he gets paperwork from the lady.

Even with this nice apartment, I couldn't shake the sadness spreading throughout my entire body. Never in my life have I felt so down, and with the sudden wave of emotion coming over me, I walk away. I can see Giovanni watching me in the corner of his eye as I make my way to the bathroom. But I go anyway to sit alone.

I want my mom.

That's all I can think about—my mom. I want her to come get me like she always did when I was having a bad day. I want to hide in my bedroom, curled up in one spot, using my phone aimlessly for hours until it's 3 am. And I want my mom to yell at me for oversleeping because of it. If I could go back in time, I surely would.

"Finneas." With one loud bang, I jump up. Unbelievable, I had fallen asleep again against the wall for a few moments before being startled awake. Giovanni was rattling the doorknob, and I quickly get up to unlock it.

"The fuck are you doing?" He bursts through the door, looking around for the man I magically sneaked past him. I don't even bother saying anything to him; I feel weak to my stomach, and soon enough, I'm throwing up in the toilet.

"I just need a minute." I breath out and I slap his hand away from as he tries touching my shoulder.

"I just want my mom." It was unintentional but hearing it come out my own mouth leaves me in sobs on the bathroom floor.

"Finneas, are you serious you right now?"

"I think something is wrong, I feel like I'm about to pass out."

"If you keep crying like that, that's exactly what's going to happen." After a few moments of silence, he forces me to my feet with no warning. But just as quickly, I feel a sharp pain coming from my abdomen.

"Something's wrong, I'm in pain." I could see the look of worry come over his face as he quickly picks me up to leave the building. I was cramping so badly, and thoughts of losing my child washed over me. Without my child, I simply don't find a reason to live. My parents hate me, I'm being isolated from the only people that care for me. It's just all too much.


"How are you feeling, Miss Reid?" A female doctor comes in, asking. I was laying on the bed lost in my thoughts until she popped in. Me and Giovanni didn't share a thought, letting silence consume us. He's  just as worried as I was.

"It doesn't matter how I'm feeling, is my child ok?" I ask her and she smiles hesitantly before speaking.

"Are you working right now?" She asks me and I laugh a little.

"No, I don't work."

"Ok..." she sighs before speaking once more. "There are some complications risking pre-term labor. It seems that you're exerting your body way too much. Are you in any sports maybe?"

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