Breaking Noses and Breaking Up

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As soon as the bell rings, I storm out of class, quickly heading to the locker room. I ignore the other girls coming in, loudly laughing, as I change out of my clothes. I've been having a messed-up day for the past couple of days now. I just can't get over the fact that Giovanni is acting so cruel right now! Seriously, if he isn't taking me to homecoming, then he probably won't take me to prom. My last homecoming – he's crazy if he thinks I'm going to let him ruin my last high school year.

"I don't appreciate you leaving without me." Maddie says walking towards me. I continue to strip down to my underwear before talking.

"I'm sorry, I'm just still pissed off at Giovanni."

"Literally, just take someone else. Don't let him get to you like that. If he wants to be a jerk, that's on him. Just find someone else."

"I literally told him that's what I was going to do, and you want to know what he told me?" I slam my locker shut, watching Maddie's hair blow from the sudden wind. 

"He told me that I wasn't going at all. Like he's my fucking father or something!" Maddie laughs in the middle of me talking.

"The fucking audacity of him, who is he to tell you that? I am so tired of us having crazy dudes in our lives."

"What crazy dudes are you talking to?" I ask her laughing a little. She smirks at me shrugging before pulling her phone out.

"Remember that guy I keep telling you about that I met online?" I nod my head yes and she quickly continued talking.

"Ok so... I was purposely trying to make him jealous by saying I was thinking about talking to other guys and he doxxed me! And told me he was going to come to my house and kill me." She bust out laughing like it was funny and I stood there with my mouth wide open.

"Where is that funny, he's going to fucking murder you!"

"It's all talk Finneas, I use to get doxxed all the time from talking shit on discord so it's whatever."

"He's a random stranger online that now knows where you live, he probably knows what school we go to and other shit like hellooo?!"

"If worse comes to worse i'll just shoot him."

"Girl, you're dumb as fuck." Maddie shrugs her shoulder and then laugh again at my name calling.

"I'll set my sister up to take my place if I have to."

"You're going to hell!" I say busting out laughing. Speaking of the devil, Dani and Paisley come into the locker room looking at us before walking the other way.

"She's being such a cunt right now." Maddie mumbles to me.

"Everyone is being a cunt."


After getting dressed, I met with the other cheerleaders on the field to practice. As much as I tried to let it go, Giovanni just clouded my mind the whole time. I am sad that he's actually not taking me, and I really hate that I have to find someone else, but he needs to know that he's replaceable. When it comes to certain things, of course, it's like he doesn't really appreciate me or treat me the way I should be treated. I am a valuable girl; there are many boys I could have had, but I waited for him, and right now, he's making me regret it.

"What are you doing, Reid? Pick up the pace; this is my third time telling you!" Jenny yells at me again, and I roll my eyes. She and everyone else are starting to get on my damn nerves. I catch Maddie staring at me for a second before going back to focusing on the routine.

I just don't know what to do. He knows this is so important to me, and yet he doesn't care. People might think I'm being dramatic, but this is something I would remember forever, and I don't want it to be ruined. "Everyone stop!" Ashley yells before going to turn the music off.

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