Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time

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"Where the hell have you been?!"
That's the first thing I hear when I walk through the door. My mom is standing in front of me with an angry look on a face.

"You're acting like it's late; it's only eight," I say, trying to walk past her, but she grabs my arm.

"That's not the point! You did not tell me you were leaving Katherine's house. Who the hell do you think you are?!" She yells at me. I struggle to get out of her hold.

"It's not like I planned to be gone mom. Why are you making it such a big deal?! It's not like I haven't done this before!"

I snatch away from her walking into the living.

"There's  a difference between hanging out with your girlfriends and leaving with a man. I will not tolerate my 17 year old daughter being out late around with a grown ass man! Do you know how worried I was huh?!"

"I wasn't even doing anything!"

"You better watch your mouth, and who are you yelling at?"

I cross my arms looking away from her."Mom, seriously, we just went to that one park off the highway. You should know me better than that! I have dignity, you know!"

" Communication! Communication Finneas!! That's all I'm asking. You will start talking to me before you do things. I don't care that you're about to be 18 I will ground your ass and take your phone. I need to know where you are at all times. It something happens to you-"

"Mom, please. I'm sorry it won't happen again, you don't have to jinx me."

"It's just that you're my only child. Everything I do is for you, okay? I don't ask much of you, just... just talk to me. That's all I'm asking." Her voice cracks at the end, and I could see her eyes water.

"God you're about to cry?! Please don't."

"I'm sorry Finny just give me a moment."

I cringe a little at her crying and at that stupid nickname. She wipes both her eyes with a disposable napkin before sighing. " Look there's something I want to talk to you about later. I'm going to finish dinner, you go get changed."

She didn't have to tell me twice. I turn around heading straight up stairs. She's so annoying.

As soon as I get to my room I throw my book bag  down accidentally knocking over my trash can. I'll get it up later. My phone starts ringing and I see that it's Dani FaceTiming me.

"Heyyy." I yell as soon as I answer.

"Sup." She replies. Her hair is wet and the color strip that went in the front of her hair was gone. Good, because it was really giving 2016.

" You dyed the blue out?" I ask even though the answer was obvious.

"Yea I just got tired of it. "

"That seems like a good idea. Anyways... you won't believe what happened to me today!"

" What happened?"

" I was kidnapped by my neighbor's hot son and he drove me to this creepy park and he had a gun! I literally had to fight him to get away."

Oh my god, that's crazy. Did you go to the police?

" Why would I have done that?"

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