It's A...

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Of course they went all out for. I don't expect nothing less from Maddie when it comes to throwing parties for me. The first people to arrive is of course my mom and Mrs. Katherine. I was in the middle of placing candy in jars in a strategic pattern, but I stop to acknowledge them.

"My god," my mom exaggerates. "You're carrying a 200-pound baby!" I smack my lips at her. I hate when people point out the obvious. But she's right; I did not expect to be as huge as I am. It's literally the worst; it's hard for me to sleep, and my feet are on fire constantly. As swollen as my belly is, I can only imagine how it's going to be for the next two months.

"Mom I don't understand, I know for a fact you weren't this huge when you were pregnant with me." I tell her.

"Well, to be fair, you are way smaller than I am. But either way, you still look really pretty," she compliments, making me smile. She gives my belly a small rub before walking off.

"Some dumbass put a blue cupcake with the pink ones. Do I have to do everything myself?! Honestly, did I pay for professionals that are also color-blind!"

I walk over to Dani, who was standing by herself with a drink in her hand. Maddie is taking this very seriously, wanting it to be as perfect as possible.

"She's crazy," Her twin points out before taking a sip of whatever was in that cup.

"I hope that's apple juice," I tell her..

"You're crazy; you think I would drink alcohol in front of my mom. She tries to find any reason she can to throw flip-flops at me."

I shake my head with a smile, thinking about it. Madeline is quite the character when it comes to punishment. And her throw game is on point. Maddie and Dani are quite the opposite from each other. Dani is like the scholar who's never into trouble, or at least never getting caught. And Maddie is the wild one. Maddie tells me that it doesn't bother her when her parents compare her to Dani because she has no shame in how she acts.

I continue small talk with Dani, not wanting to disturb Maddie as she takes control of the situation. You would think I should be the one stressing about this shower, but I'm leaving it all up to her.

It doesn't take long for people to start pouring in, greeting me with hugs and kisses, gifts in their hands. The whole cheer squad showed up, giving me support, and a bunch of other people I've seen in school but never talked to. "The more people, the more gifts," Maddie explains while directing everyone to set the gifts on the table.

"Maddie, I'm confused. I haven't had a gender reveal yet, so how do people know what kind of gifts to bring?" I ask her, and she smiles slyly, making me suspicious. Maddie wanted to throw a gender reveal, but I thought it would be too much, and I was going through depression at the time. So in a chaotic kind of way, she decides to throw a baby shower/gender reveal.

"Just return the gifts you don't need and get money for it." Maddie suggests with a shrug. I gasp at her scheming idea, which is just completely ghetto.

But before I can reply to her ridiculous comment, I notice two girls I haven't seen in a long time. They are standing with their backs to me, and I smile as I approach them. It's crazy how much time has passed, and I had completely forgotten about them.

I overheard Kelly saying, 'It's evident that Giovanni has left her to be a single mother; otherwise, why wouldn't he be here?'Always thinking that she's better than everyone else, just to end up like her mother. She's trying to hide it by wearing the ring"

The girls they were conversing with attempted to grab their attention about me being behind them, but by then, it was too late.

"Kelly and Makayla!" I exclaim in a cheery tone. "It's so nice to see you two step out and join the party. I haven't seen you guys in so long," I say, maintaining a friendly demeanor. I can see them looking tripped up with guilty expressions on their faces.

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