Tear You Apart

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"Are you sure you can walk in by yourself?" Giovanni asked me when we pulled up to my house. I took my seatbelt off, grabbing my bag before speaking.

"Yea, I'm sure," I tell him with a smile. My body wasn't hurting as much anymore, and I didn't want him coming in with my mom inside. I leaned over, giving him a kiss before getting out of the car. It was about 10 in the morning with the sun coming up. I watched as he shortly drove next door, getting out of the car. Both of us looked at each other before going inside the house.

If I'm being honest, things were awkward between us. An uncomfortable silence lingered as we drove home, and I had no idea what he was thinking.

As I get in the house, I was shocked to see my mom still up, sitting in the kitchen with a cup of wine in her hand.

"Mom?" I call out to her and she turns her attention to me. Her eyes briefly meet mine as I enter, and she offers a small smile. It's clear that she's been waiting for me, and the atmosphere feels charged with unspoken questions.

"How was the party?" she asks me, her voice raspy. I can tell she didn't get any sleep from the bags under her eyes.

"It was, uh, good. I had a lot of fun," I tell her, and she looks at me like she was expecting to hear more from me.

"Anything big happen?" she asks me. The way she's looking at me, I know exactly what she's referring to.

"Like what?" I ask playing dumb.

"Like something life changing that you'll never forget."

Damn she actually knows.

I laugh out loud, not because it was funny, but because I was getting nervous. This probably would take some time, so I walk over to sit next to her.

"I had sex with Giovanni." I tell her truthfully and she just stares straight into my eyes.

"You do know how old he is, right?" She asks me, and I just nod slowly. She sighs, placing her hands on her face. 

Why can't you be with someone your age? I can tell you right now that whatever you think is going on between y'all, it's not going to be worth it."

"Mom it is worth it, I love him and he loves me what's wrong with that?"

She sighs again.

"I'm going to have a long talk with him and Katherine." She tells me and I try to cut her but she waves her hands in my face.

"No Finneas! Look I get it, he's a very attractive man and you've known him for some time but you're barely even legal. Whose to say he's not grooming you."

"The fuck I look like being groomed?!" I yell. She instantly slaps me on the arm.

Certainly, here's a reprise of the provided text:

"Finneas, cuss at me again and watch what happens! I know you! You're sensitive; you try to act like you're not, but I know you, babe. You love hard and have attachment issues. I don't want you getting hurt by him, but I also know that you're going to have to see that for yourself. I can't always be around you because I have to work, and I have no absolute way of keeping you away from him. But we are going to set some boundaries. I don't care that you're eighteen; not only are you going to respect me, but you're going to respect yourself. The first time I suspect something is going on between y'all that's not good, I will call the police on him and have him arrested. Because I know y'all were doing things before you were of age."

"Mom, trust me, I understand you. There's nothing bad going to happen. You know I've always been safe and responsible," I try to convince her. We both fell into silence until I spoke up again.

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