First Encounter

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" You seem like a sweet girl and I really do like you but I don't think it's best for me to be around you right now. Besides you are only 16, you don't want me to get in trouble now do you? He smirks at me brushing some of my hair of my face. In a few years you will forget all about me and find someone who isn't toxic and trust me I'm very toxic. I will come back in a few years and you might just grow to hate me."

I almost feel like crying but I don't want to seem weak in front of him. I follow his gaze to see him looking at Ms.Katherine who standing by the window before walking away.
When I wake up late in the day, I spend a couple of hours just lying down, staring at the ceiling.

I raise my hand towards the ceiling, looking at my yellow acrylics that need a fill-in soon. I sigh, knowing it's about time I get up to help Ms. Katherine and Giovanni. It's weird because she isn't a loud person, but yesterday she made sure I heard everything she had to say about her sons. Honestly, I don't even know how she still has hair after telling those stories. Hell, I don't know how I still have hair for listening.

I raise up, dangling my feet on the floor, and look in the mirror from my bathroom, seeing that my scarf came off in the middle of the night. Damn, I tried my best to sleep like a princess too. I rub my hair to feel for any of it sticking out but couldn't sense any, most likely from slapping too much grease in my hair.

I groan a little, standing up to stretch for a few seconds before going over to my side window. I have a clear view of Ms. Katherine's light blue house, and there is a black car parked outside the front with her bending inside of it. I get closer to my window to see if Giovanni was out there too. He's the only reason I agreed to help in the first place.

I grab the first jacket I see and run downstairs to get over there fast.

" Mom I'm going over Ms. Katherine's house now!" I yell almost out the door but my mom stops me in my tracks.

" Hold on hold on-" she walks up to get a closer look at me.
" You going to go over in that?" She ask looking me up and down. My outfit consisted of grey shorts and a red crop top that I changed into last night.

" What's wrong with my outfit?" I ask.

" It's just that it's revealing. You know your boobs are all out and-"

" Ok I get it-" I say cutting her off.
" Look now I have me jacket on, I look cool now. Bye mommy love you." I give her a quick kiss on the cheek before jogging outside rubbing my hands together as I get closer to her house.

" You think you slick but you're not!" My mom yells off our porch but I just ignore her smirking.

Mrs.Katherine was still in the car humming grabbing some things.

" Hey!" I call out making her jump a little.

" Hey you made it!" She stops what she's doing to give me a little hug. " I thought you bailed on me, I wouldn't have been mad if you did."

" Nope just had to get dress, I wouldn't trade helping you for the world."

I tried to give her a convincing smile but she squints her eyes at me seeing right through my bullshit.

"Yeah ok, just bring this box up to his room."

She didn't give me no time to prepare for the heaviness of it before slamming it into my arms. The weight of it pulls by body down a little almost making me fall over.

" Here I got it." A deep voice, a very deep voice says from behind me making me flinch and drop the box completely.

" Shit! I'm so sorry!!"

" The fuck is wrong with you? I knew you should have stayed home ." He snatches the box off the ground before walking away.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I didn't even have the courage to look at him because of how pissed he sounded. Him being very protective of his things didn't change at all, I guess.

" I've been dealing with this all morning, the hell is his problem?"His confused mother ask before collecting some more things.

I just stand there in disbelief. That was the quickest exchange ever! And he didn't even say hi to me. This was not how I thought our first day seeing each other in years would go. I look up at the house, my heart instantly racing when I see Giovanni glaring down at me from his window.

What the hell did I do?

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