Maybe We'll Drown

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It broke my heart that our first time seeing each other didn't go as planned. It wasn't until a week later when he randomly texted me saying he wanted to go out to eat that it gave me hope. I hesitated at first, unsure if I wanted to let myself hope again. But the prospect of spending time with Giovanni, even if it was just grabbing a meal, was too enticing to resist.
"I thought we were going out to eat." I say as we past all the main streets that have restaurants on them. We were no longer in a populated area and instead, all that surrounded us was trees.

" I'm not hungry anymore." He quickly says while looking straight ahead. I looked quickly at him for a second before looking out the window. I can't exactly explain what I'm feeling right now but it isn't good that's for sure. " Giovanni what the hell!" I exclaim and this time Giovanni's smile widens showing off his white teeth.

"Relax I just want to visit somewhere I haven't been in a while."

"So why am I here?" I ask him, getting annoyed. The uncertainty was beginning to wear on my patience.

The nerve of him to think I would be cool this.

"Hello, earth to Giovanni!" I yell slowly and loudly. He was getting on my nerves by ignoring me.

"Finneas, chill out, okay? I already told you where we were going."

"Um, no, you didn't. You just said it was somewhere you haven't been in a while... Wait a second!" I say, finally recognizing the scenery. "Don't tell me you're taking us to the park!" Here he goes again with that white smile. He only does it when I'm in distress. "Oh hell no! Let me out this fucking car right now!" I demand waving my index finger around. The last time I came to this park he almost killed me, that memory alone still gives me nightmares.

"I told you to let me out."

"Look at you, Finneas. There's no way you aren't going to get snatched up being out here alone, so no." Giovanni's attempt at humor doesn't do much to alleviate my fear.

"Since when do you care about my well-being?" I ask.

" I've always cared."

"Is that why you're taking to the place you almost killed me?"

"You and I both know you are being dramatic. I was just trying to help you get over your fear." Giovanni's words may have been intended to soothe, but they only add fuel to the growing frustration within me. I give him a skeptical look, not entirely convinced by his explanation.

" You literally sat there and watched I was drowning!"

" If you really cared about you life you would have managed to make it back the surface. Let's not forget Finneas that I was the one that saved you."

" The only thing you did was traumatize me. There's so many ways you could have helped me with my fear of water. You just made things so much worse for me!"

"Why didn't you say this shit to me before huh? You didn't seem to mind it then."

"My mindset was way different than it is now. The more I think about how you were, the more I question why I'm even here with you right now!" My frustration bubbles over, and I let my true feelings spill out. The confusion and mixed emotions linger between us, creating an uneasy atmosphere." I haven't been here in a long long time  and you're already pissing me off."

" I can honestly say the same thing about you, you know."

"Giovanni, I really don't want to go to this park, can you just turn around?"

" I didn't waste my time just to come here for nothing. Look we are already here."

Giovanni pulls into an area that is completely surrounded by trees. I look in awe at all of the scenery around me; it's like something straight out of a movie. He pulls up to the edge of some grass, and the view of a sparkling body of water lays in front of me. As nice as it looks, there is no way I'm getting out of this car. I glance at Giovanni to see him get out of the car and walk in the grass a little to get a better view of the water.

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