Are You A Virgin?

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"Are you still a virgin?"
The uncomfortable silence that filled the room since I've been here was lifted with his sudden question.

I look up from my phone seeing him stare at me with his cold dark eyes, waiting for my answer.

" You haven't spoken to me at all and that's the first thing you ask?!" I yell at him.

The non existent expression on his face remains and he just shrugs.

" I don't know , t's just been on my are you?" He asks again like it's a completely normal question to ask someone.

"Unbelievable! You were just being so rude to me earlier. You didn't even say hi to me and I've tried to spark conversation with you for the last hour!"

"Well I'm talking to you now and I want you to answer my question."

"Why is that any your business?"

"Fine then don't tell me."
I shrug my shoulders going back to my phone.
Why the hell am I still in here.

I've just been sitting in a chair next to his dresser, even though we finished unpacking his things. God, it's like we're back to square one. When I was younger, I would just hover over him, even though it was quite obvious he found me annoying.

Damn I'm just like Sakura!

He's changed so much. I didn't even know it was humanly possible for him to get any taller. We have a very uncomfortable height difference now. His skin was still a perfect light color, and you could tell that he spent time working out daily. I never thought that a nose piercing could look so good on someone until him. 

This is not how I imagined our reunion! Ughhh why is he being such a cunt!?

I sigh, setting my phone on his dresser before staring at him.

"Even though it's none of you business, I'm still a virgin." I finally say breaking the silence. " I don't even know why you would want to know that."

"I told you I just wanted to know. You didn't have to tell me, I don't care. How is your little boyfriend by the way?"

I look up at him confused. " What boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend."

" Don't play me like I'm dumb, I'm talking about that Jason boy."

"Jason? Who the hell is- oh you mean Jackson!" I let out a small chuckle but Giovanni on the other hand didn't look so amused. " I broke up with him a long time ago, I wouldn't even consider him a boyfriend." I say before realizing something.

"Could it be that the Big Bad Giovanni Valentino is jealous?" I ask mockingly.

"Shut the fuck up Finneas."

" I would have thought you would be nice to me after all that time away."

" And I would have thought you would become less annoying."

I roll my eyes, not missing the sarcasm in his tone. "Well, sorry to disappoint you. Some things never change, I guess," I retort, trying to match his level of annoyance.

" Jesus Finneas,  your voice is so annoying shut the fuck up."

I instantly get quiet.
This is most definitely not going to work out.

I shake my head getting up and grabbing my phone. There's no way I could stay in here any longer without shooting him in his face.

" Where are you going?" Giovanni's deep voice ask as I reach for the doorknob. I turn quickly to look at him.

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