Dirty Gio

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"Giovanni if my mom sees us you're going to get in trouble." I moan as he continues to finger me roughly. That sound of my wetness was not appealing, in fact it's down right embarrassing. But I can't deny the fact that this feeling is the greatest feeling ever . I've only masturbated a few times in my life but it never compared to this.
What the hell is happening? He just tried to kill me and I'm letting him do this. Maybe I haven't changed.

"Giovanni." I whine out. "You have to stop this."

Giovanni leans down to suck on my neck while his fingers work inside me faster. I could feel my eyes roll in the back of my head. And it's more intense feeling his tongue on my neck.

"What the fuck can your mom do, get me arrested? I've done far worse than this. Seeing you all helpless with your neck covered in my handprints just really did something to me. I don't want to kill you because there's still so much I see from you and I don't want to hurt you either" Giovanni then kisses me down my breast and to my stomach. "This is the option I've chosen. I can make you feel so good if you just wasn't so stubborn."

I let out a hum as I recalled the incident from yesterday, and it wasn't my proudest moment either. In fact, I felt a twinge of disappointment in myself for giving in to him so easily, only for him to return and create another tense situation. "I got fingered about a week ago." I tell Maddie and Dani who was stretching next to me. Dani looks at me with a shocked expression and Maddie was smirking.

"And you waited until practice to tell us?"

"I was honestly debating if I wanted to tell you guys or not. But it was weird, I mean it felt amazing but the situation was weird. One minute he's choking all the life out of me and then next he's fingering me so...passionately. But that's all he does is put his hands around my neck, the shit is getting is getting old."

"That fact that you're tired of being strangled by him is startling. Maybe you should stay away from him." Dani advises.

"He's all talk and I'm not afraid of him. He's just a bitch,  like I don't see why anyone would be scared of him."

"I want to see what he looks like honestly. I swear to god, if you're letting some handsome squidward get away with this shit, I'm going to seriously slap you." Maddie says making us all start laughing.

"He does not look like that, thank you very much."

"Ok, girls, let's get in formation!" exclaimed the cheer captain, prompting all of us to rise and remove our jackets. The atmosphere shifted as we prepared for whatever was next in our cheer routine.

"That's a sexy looking body you got there." Maddie jokes. I had some black leggings and plain white crop top that showed my belly button.

""It's nothing compared to yours," I replied as she and I linked arms while walking to our designated position. There was a sense of camaraderie as we moved together, ready to take on whatever lay ahead in our routine.

One two three four five six seven eight
One two three four five six seven eight

The captain chanted the numbers rhythmically as we followed the choreography. Despite the synchronized movements, a sense of monotony crept in, and I couldn't shake the feeling of being tired of it all. We had been doing the same dance routine forever, and the repetition was starting to wear on me.

"I just thought about something." I tell Maddie." Me and Giovanni were literally in the middle of the front door and my mom could have walked in."

"That must of been real exciting." She whispers back.

"But what if she walked in? I would have gotten in so much trouble. And Giovanni fronting ass would have gotten arrested."

"Technically, probably not unless she would have saw the bruises he gave you. By the way nice makeup work, you can't even notice them."

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