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Trying to stay positive, so leave me alone.

"Alright girls I'm starting the music! Five! Six! Seven!Eight!"

I moved to the rhythm of the song, dancing to the routine we've been practicing for the past month. I twisted my body to turn and grabbed onto Maddie's shoulder as we slowly moved our bodies in sync.

"Ok poms poms up! Good job!"

We all continue dancing as Jenny shouts commands at us. It's around 7 pm, and we had to stay later for practice considering homecoming was just a few days away.
"Fuck, I can't wait to take a shower," Maddie says to me as I pour ice water down my throat. Practice was finally over as the sun went down, and everyone was getting ready to go home.

"I really like this routine, and today wasn't actually that bad," I tell her, handing her the bottled water.

"That's because you get to rub yourself all over my hot body," she says cockily, smirking. I grab onto her arm, pulling her to me.

"You're damn right." We both laughed and walked off the field holding hands. I was riding home with her and Dani today; usually, Giovanni comes to get me, but I wanted to hang around with her today. I got into the passenger side as Dani quietly got into the back.
"I'm thinking about getting my hair done." I say before inhaling my vape pen.

"Like what?"

"I don't know yet; I'll probably get a sew-in. I want something full with loose curls, like your hair." I lean over to touch Maddie's hair."I've always admired your hair. It has this natural flow to it," I say, smiling. Maddie looks at me, returning the smile.

"God I wish I had your hair."

Girl, no. I wish my hair could curl like yours. You know what I would do to have your hair? You rock so many different styles."

"I mean, true. Don't get me wrong, I do love my hair, and I wouldn't trade it, but I also like your hair too."

I turn back to see Dani staring straight at me, but she quickly looked away once I caught her. I confronted her about what I was told regarding her feelings for Giovanni, and she got defensive, starting to cuss me out. I was ready to confront her physically if Maddie wasn't there to stop me. I was planning on giving her the benefit of the doubt; I could understand her perspective, but she blew it.

I haven't said anything since to her or Paisley. I'm fine with that because I have no time to be messing around with them. Maddie has tried hard to release some of the tension but failed miserably.

I was staring out the window when I received a text from Giovanni, telling me that he wants us to hang out.

"Y'all, let's go to my house," I suggest, and they all agree. A part of me doesn't want the other two in my house, but I know that Giovanni would come over, giving me a chance to rub my relationship with him in her face

My mother wasn't home as usual. I honestly think she's seeing someone, and she just doesn't want me to know. I've heard her on the phone late at night talking to some man, but I never mentioned it to her.

As soon as we pull up to my house, Giovanni is standing on my porch with flowers in his hands. "Oh my god!" I squeal, running to him."Is this for me?" I couldn't help but smile hard when he started smiling.

"Yea just take them and shut up." He says quickly with his face getting a little red.

"Look at you, getting red. You are so sweet!" I gush as I grab the flowers from him and smell them. They give off a sweet fragrance, and I look back at him.

"You are literally the most thoughtful ever. I love you." I get on my toes to give him a kiss, which he returns. He pulls me closer, and we begin making out until someone clears their throat.

"Why are y'all still here?" He asks.

"Giovanni, I told you I was hanging out with them today." He scoffs, rolling his eyes. He seemed selfish, wanting me only for himself. His disapproval of Maddie stemmed from how close and intimate we had become.

"Come on, let's go watch a movie," I say, grabbing Giovanni's hand and leading him into the house. I didn't miss the look Dani had on her face; I knew she was upset, but I just didn't care. 

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