What Am I?

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I'm a bad bitch, I'm a cunt.

Maddie pulls up in front of my house with her music blasting at full volume. I've been out with them for about an hour, sitting at a smoothie shop just talking and laughing. I can't lie; I really enjoyed myself hanging with them.

I open the car door shutting it and walk to the passenger side where Dani was sitting.

" Thank you guys so much, I had fun today." I say leaning a little bit on the rolled down window.

Maddie turns down the radio so I could hear what she was getting ready to say.

"Of course!" I jumped a little bit over her loud voice. " We should hang out again! Maybe go to the mall!"

" Goddamn Maddie! You don't have to yell in my ear! She's right here!" Dani whines.

" Ok I just wanted to make sure she could hear me. Don't be a fucking crybaby!"

"Get out the car then!"

I sigh, it's like they can't help but to argue.

"Well I'm going in the house now!" I yelled over them but it was like I was a ghost because they kept on bickering.

" I'm walking away now!" I slowly back up still watching them argue with each other. Maddie was putting her hands in Dani's face.


"Bye Finneas!"
It wasn't until I was halfway in my door before they noticed me. I waved watching Maddie pull away fast from my house. The first thing I see walking in is my mom typing on her laptop sitting by the kitchen's island.

" Hey mom." I say walking to her giving her a kiss on the cheek. She looks at me skeptically as if  I did something wrong.

"What?" I ask raising my voice a little.

"Was that Kayla in that car blasting her music like that?"

"Oh. No,  it was someone else, you don't know them though." I say grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

" Well whoever it was, I don't appreciate them disturbing the area with rap music."
Here she goes, I roll my eyes taking a bite out of my apple.

" Now I don't have anything against rap or anything but you know how the neighbors are! You don't want them filing a complaint right?" She asks me.

"Y'all are a bunch of Karen's." I say not answering her question. She looked not too happy with me and I chuckle a little bit.

" I still you love you though." I try to say as sweet as possible.

" Mhmm, love me while cleaning your room." She says

I whined out not feeling like cleaning.

" I'm serious if your room ain't clean in a few hours I'm taking your phone."

" What am I, twelve?!" I ask laughing out.

" I don't care how old you are! I will take your phone even when your 50 and paying your own bill!"

I go to my room shutting my door without saying anything.

"And you better finish that damn apple!" I instantly threw my half eaten apple in the trash before sitting on my bed. I just got in the house and she's already complaining. I sigh looking around my room, I must admit it is a little cluttered in here.

.... At least it doesn't stink.

I take a deep breath while putting my hands on hips. I must admit it does feel good to be in a clean room. I also cleaned my bathroom but it was mostly clothes on the floor. I have a nasty habit of leaving my clothes everywhere after I take a shower.

I didn't notice how much time had passed until I checked my phone. It's 7:15 in the afternoon, so I knew that meant my mom would be done cooking dinner soon. Now I just have to find something to do while I wait for my mom. 

Well I do have clothes to finish sewing.

I turn my led lights on setting it to blue before going to my desk.
I could hear my mom yelling something from downstairs, most likely indicating that the food was ready. The sound of the needle against the fabric I was sewing was loud, so I couldn't hear exactly what she was saying.

" I'm coming!" I yell before going back to sewing. Once I start doing something it's kind of hard for me to stop. I move the fabric faster but I was still careful not to jab my index finger.

" Ok well this is good for now." I say to myself before getting up and walking out of my room. As soon as I opened my door I could smell what she was cooking and my stomach instantly started growling.

" Oooh you made nacho salad." I run down the stairs and into the kitchen opening the bag of Doritos.

"Yes I did and don't eat all of them because Ms. Katherine is coming over to eat with us." My mom says  but I was barely listening to hear eating two at a time. She quickly snatches them out of my hands making me laugh.

" Remember Giovanni is coming back tomorrow and you're going to help them move his things in." My mom glares at me before placing the chips back on the counter. I flip her off while her back was away from me.

Speaking of the devil, the doorbell rang, and my mom told me to open the door for Ms. Katherine. I greeted her with a smile, and she gave me a kiss on the cheek before going to say hi to my mother. 

"My feet are killing me honey. I spent all day cleaning out Giovanni's old room and now I feel like I'm about to pass out. Can you hang this up for me sweetie?" She hands me her jacket not even giving me a chance to answer her.

" I swear he's just as rude as ever! I have my belt waiting on his ass, he thinks just because he's 23 now I can't do anything. Why can't I have a kid like you?" She ask pointing at me and I just shrug. "I blame on it his father Nicole. I use to fight that man on adaily basis."

" Well at least he was still present for your kids and from the stories you've told me he knew how to keep you satisfied." My mom giggles but I was not no where close to amused.

Ok well that's my que. I hurry and grab my plate trying not to lose my appetite.

I could still hear them from the top of the stairs and I mentally scream, I feel like crying now.

I was almost to my room.

I must say...her husband does sound interesting, I wonder if Giovanni is the same still.

I don't know if I said this already but I plan on editing more when the story is over.

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