Sorry, you got the wrong number pt2

679 17 10

•you wanted it and here it is•

New message-
Did you really think my voice was hot?

I dropped my phone with being so surprised he actually texted me.

It took me a second to really proce

I pick it up and text him back.

The hottest one I've ever heard of~

He didnt respond.

Was I too bold too fast?

I kinda just sent it to him to make him laugh but now I'm left on read.

Well damnit, nice going y/n, you-


Thank god.

Yep, the ever so slightly raspy, deep monotonous voice. It's quite attractive.

Now I feel like you are kidding.

Not at all.
I liked the assertiveness you had when you threatened to hang up on me multiple times.
Like I said you have a hot voice mr stranger.

He then responded.


No thank you?

Not today.

He's weird.

But little did I know for the next two weeks I would talk to the mysterious stranger almost everyday.

We always spoke at night and sometimes in the mornings.

We never asked about our time zones or where we live or anything like that.

I just know he has a hot voice and he knows I like his voice.

I yawned and slumped back into my chair.

I closed my eyes while laying back because I was just tired. I has stayed up a few nights in a row talking to him that the sleep deprivation was hitting me hard.

"Hey y/n- wake up." Miya said turning back to see me sleepy at my desk.

"I'm not sleeping" I lied.

"You've been napping a lot lately and you have forgotten to fill out things that I have to fill out now. What's up?"

"Nothing I just been staying up a little late, more than usual I guess." I yawned.

"Why? Don't tell me you been staying up watching dumb shows."

"No, not that just other stuff."

"Other stuff... wait- have you been staying up"

"Oh my god no- I'm not watching anything."

"Then what's going on?"

"..well I started talking to this guy.."

"Omg who- what- when- where?!"

"Um since we did those random calls.."

"Don't tell me you met a guy that way."

"Yeah...I did."

"Well, spill what happened? Why didn't you tell me when this happened."

"I just haven't gotten around to it and we'll when I called him he was going to hang up right away but I was able to get him to stay for like 2 hours."

Love sweet like sugar- lxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now