Accident (L x Injured! Reader)

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•Hey guys I have been gone for a bit but here I am! I'm still working on the other book and I'm not to sure if I'm going to continue this oneshot book but for the time being I'll try to update a bit more. Okay now to the oneshot•

This was my fault.

Why did I have to get mad.

Why did I have to yell.

Why did I yell at her to get out of my face.

Why did I have to take it out on her.

Why didn't I listen.

Why did I have to make her cry.

Why did I hurt her emotionally.


I stood there. On the side of (Y/n)'s bed as she laid there unconscious while holding her hand in my hand as tears softly rolled down my cheeks.

I had been so stressed out due to the Kira investigation that I was barely taking a break to relax and all this stress building up along with irritation and lack of sleep wasn't helping either.
(Y/n) came numerous times and tried to get me to take a break but I wasn't listening to her.

"L I'm worried about your health you need to take a break! Your a human being not some sort of robot." Her words repeating in my head

Today I was at my breaking point all this stress had been building up inside of me and I had to take it out on the wrong person


"L Lawliet." I hear (y/n) walk into the room

"What is it." I answered roughly

"L I'm worried you really need a break. This isn't healthy your going to hurt your self from over working. Seriously L I don't want you to-"

"To what (y/n). People are dying. Hundreds are dead already and if I don't solve it soon more will die. Why don't you just leave me alone so I can get my work done." I said harshly

"Lawliet Im sorry but- "I cut her off once again "You What. God, if you weren't so damn intrusive I probably would have been done already. I'm sorry I can't get take breaks often I'm trying to save others from dying and it that means I'll have to give up my life for the many others I'll be able to save them then so be it." I said way to harshly

"..You know what L I have been trying so hard to keep my cool with you but I'm done with your stupidity. You're acting like your own life doesn't matter. but it does! Your health matters.  Your well being matter and why can't you just understand that! You may be the worlds greatest detective but right now, your acting like the worlds biggest dumbass with your terrible attitude" She said with a tear slowly falling down

"You know why (y/n) Im sick and a tired of this!  why don't you just Leave! Leave me alone. I never asked for you to worried about me. Now get out so I can actually get work done." I said looking at her straight in the eye

"Fine I'll just leave you alone then" she said turning around and leaving before the door slamming shut

I rested my face in the palms of my two hands as I just let out a frustrated sigh

I felt bad for lashing out on her it wasn't her fault

I sat there before getting up. I knew I had to go say sorry.

I walked down to the front doors of the HQ
And I see (y/n) walking down the street and not looking where she was going

Until she crossed the street while an incoming car was driving

"Wait! (Y/n)!!!"

Flashback over

I stayed there looking at (y/n) as she laid there

I tucked a few lose strands of hair behind her ear as I saw her face

The left side of her face near her eye was bruised and her lip was cut from getting hit

Tears started to fill my eyes because I cause this

She wouldn't have to be here if I had listened to her and respected her and listen to her.
But instead I took it out on her for no good reason.

It was my fault.

•Three days later•

Your POV

I slowly open my eyes as I wake up to see  L holding tightly onto my hand with his head resting on it

"Lawliet?" I say softly only to see him start shaking 

I sit up slightly as I can barely see L's face

As I was about to say something I feel L pull me into a tight hug but care and making sure not to hurt me

"(Y/n) I'm so so sorry I-I never meant to hurt you and I should have never took it out on you I'm sorry it wasn't your fault a-and this was all my fault because if I didn't have yelled at you, you wouldn't have to be here, god (y/n) I'm j-just so sorry" he kept saying as I feel his tears start to drip onto my hospital gown

"Lawli it's okay i forgive you" I say hugging him

"But I"

"You were stressed and yeah you were kinda acting like a idiot but it's okay" I cut him off and smile at him

"Still I'm sorry (y/n)"

"It's okay but I just really want you take a break okay? This much stress isn't good for you. Neither is the hours you have been going without sleep. I don't want you to burnout or get sick and I want you to take your health more seriously because you mean a lot to me lawliet" I said caressing his cheek and wiping the tear away

"Thank you (y/n), You mean the world to me and I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life" he said smiling cutely

"Alright now when I can get out why don't we take a day off okay?" I say looking at him

"Of course" He said smiling

I smiled before giving him a small peck on the lips before him pulling me into another small kiss

"I love you (y/n)" he says

"I love you too lawli"

•Okay I'm sorry if the ending was a bit sucky but hey new update and I'll try to update tomorrow so yeah bye•

Love sweet like sugar- lxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now